19. Kiss

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She knocked on the door and waited for a response but she never got one.

Another two weeks had passed and she continued begging Hoseok to let her see their daughters but he always refused. She only knew their names because Taehyung had told her and showed her pictures of them.

At one point he even threatened to fire her but she did not care as all she wanted to do was to meet her babies.

Seeing that she was not going to get a response she opened the door but immediately froze as she saw the sight infront of inside. Tears began to fill her eyes as she just stared at the pair who made out furiously without a care in the world.

Not too long after the tears began to roll down her cheeks and only when she let out the smallest whimper did the two break apart and look at her. Matching grins displayed on their faces.

"Ms Jeon, do you not know how to knock?" Her husband asked in a mocking voice making her heart sink even more.

"I did knock sir but you didn't hear me since you were apparently so busy." She said as she quickly wiped her tears away.

She could see what he was doing and she was not going to let him have the satisfaction of seeing her broken. If he didn't want to believe her... fine. I he chose to make out with the woman who tried to kill her then well great for him.

"Do not use that tone with me Ms Jeon." He said as he rubbed the woman's waist making sure that Y/N was aware of his action.

Y/N seeing this just swallowed her anger and sadness before looking him directly in the eyes.

"I am sorry sir... I just wanted to inform you that your meeting is about to start... I'm really sorry for interrupting you both and it was nice to see you again Ms Hyunia." She said and walked out of the office before the other two could say anything.

When she was finally out tears began to flood her vision again. She felt like she couldn't breathe as the scene played over and over in her head. It was like her heart was being ripped out.

On the other side of the door Hosek just stared at it in silence. His own heart broke because of what he had just done to the love of his life. He wanted to go after her but his mind stopped him. This was her fault after all not his.

If she was had not run away all those years ago then they wouldn't be in this mess. They would be a loving family instead of a messed up one.

"She really has no shame, does she?" Hyunia said as she began to kiss his neck but he immediately stopped her.

"I need to get to my meeting." He said and gently pushed her off of his lap.

It was like his body was on autopilot as he stood up and walked out of the office leaving a furious Hyunia.

"Why the hell is she back... She is supposed to be dead!" She exclaimed lowly as she pulled her own her in rage.

"I will get rid of her again." She whispered before sitting on Hoseok's chair with a wicked smirk.

When Hoseok got go the meeting room his eyes immediately landed on Y/N and he could feel his hear break again. Her eyes were red from the crying he knew she had done. He really wanted to comfort her but he couldn't find it himself to actually go and do it.

She had hurt him way worse than she had done to him.


Jungkook walked out of the kitchen with a glass of water as he heard the front door open. He had a small smile on his face but it was soon wiped off as he saw his sister sitting against the front door crying her eyes out.

"Y/N!" He yelled as he dropped the glass and ran to her.

He didn't care about the mess it made as he scooped her into his arms and held her close.

"It's okay baby... Just let it out... I'm here... I'm here." He whispered to her as he kissed her forehead repeatedly.

It broke his heart to see her like this and a feeling of regret began to fill his heart. If he had never pushed them to move here the she wouldn't be suffering like this because of that man... Jungkook knew that it was definitely the fault of her boss.

He wished that they had just stayed in their little home where they were both happy without any problems.


"Y/N, please just quit that job... I don't like seeing you suffering like this. That man is just sucking all the joy away." Jungkook pleaded with her as he blocked the door not allowing her out.

"Jungkook we will talk about this later. I can't be late." She said as she grabbed his arm and tried to pull him away but he did not budge as if his feet were played there.

"Y/N you came back home crying, you can't go back there." He said as he removed her hands from his arm.

"I know and I promise you that it is not going to happen again. I need to this to try and see my daughters." She said with a pleading look.

"You don't need to work for him for you to see them. Taehyung said that he could help you with that." He responded as he tried to punch her away from the door.

"I can't do that to him Kook... now I will see you later bye." She said as she kissed his cheek and gently pushed him out of the way so she vould leave.

"You really have no shame do you?" Was the first thing she heard as she walked into the building.

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