15. Faint

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It had been two weeks since the party and Taehyung made sure to go visit Y/N every single day since she allowed him two. She opened up to the idea of getting to know him since was her brother after all.

Jungkook on the other hand was not very ecstatic about there being another man around her. After all these years he was used it being only the two of them. But he kept his mouth shut after seeing how happy Y/N had become because she finally found someone from her past. Plus Y/N always reassured him that he was always going to be her number on which help him a lot.

Taehyung had even offered them to move into his house but they both declined not wanting to rush things. He was for the most part still a stranger to them.

"I don't remember paying you to daydream Ms Jeon." The voice of her boss broke her out of her thoughts.

She couldn't help but to roll her eyes at the rude man. He was truly living up to his words of making her life a nightmare.

Every single day when she got to work he woukd overwork her. Even things that were not part of her job he would make her do.

When she would get home she woukd be extreme tired but wouldn't say a thing to the two men who would be waiting for her at home. She knew Jungkook would be extremely upset and make her quit her job which was something she didn't want. They needed all the money the could get to survive.

"Go get me a coffe Ms Jeon." He said once again snapping her out of her thoughts.

Thus was like the sixth time within this hour that he was sending her to get him coffee. The worst part was that he was not even drinking it. She could help but to curse him under but immediately stopped when she noticed that he was staring at her.

"Did you want to say that to my face ms Jeon?" He questioned with a raised brow.

"No sir." She shook her head with a forced smile before walking out if his office.

Immediately when she got outside she began to curse him again. Why did he have to make her work in his office?


Y/N let out a small smile noticing that there were only thirty more minutes before she could finally go home. But as quickly as the smile appeared it disappeared as the evil man she called a boss placed a file on her desk.

"I expect this to be done before you leave Ms Jeon." He said and wickedly smiled at her before heading out of his office.

Y/N couldn't help but to tear up as she looked down at the file in front of her. She was so exhausted and all she wanted was to go home and cuddle with Jungkook but that didn't look like it was going to happen anytime soon all because of her evils boss.

It was as if the man never wanted her to feel anything other than pain.


The next morning Y/N stood exhaustedly beside her boss trying to take notes of the meet but failed miserably as she fought to keep her eyes open. The previous night she had to take her work home because she couldn't finish at the office which led to her staying up until unholy hours.

"Ms Jeon please hand this out." Her boss told her but she did not hear him as she began feeling dizzy.

"Ms Jeon." He called out to her again but she still did not respond or move.

"Ms Jeon!" He called her a bit louder which drew the attention of the other members in the meeting to the two of them.

Y/N immediately snapped out of her trance and looked down at her boss who only looked at her with furious eyes.

"Yes sir." She answered and couldn't help but to gulp as she saw the look on his face become ten times worse.

"Please hand these files out." He said in a strained voice which made shivers run down her spine.

Without wasting time she picked up the files and be gain to place them on the table infront of every person who was present.

When she got to the last person she placed the file infront of the male but unfortunately when she was retracting her hand she knocked down his water glass which landed on his lap.

"Oh my! I am so sorry sir!" She quickly apologized and tried to wipe his lap but the mand grabbed her wrist before she coukd touch him.

"It's alright. It was just an accident." Mr Min told her with a small smile and gently released her wrist.

The man stood up slowly as well as Mr Jung who apologized continously.

"Its alright Mr Jung. I hope we can reschedule the meeting." Mr Min said and of course Mr Jung nodded.

After biding their goodbyes Mr Min sent Y/N one more smile before walking out of the meeting room.

"You are all dismissed. Ms Jeon I would like yo have a word with you in my office." He said before also walking out of the meeting room.

Y/N felt shivers run down her spine at the tone of his voice. She knew she was in huge trouble. She dreaded the thought of being alone with him.

When she got to the office she knocked softly but he did not acknowledge her so she just walked in. Inside she was immediately met with his furious form.

"ARE YOU FXCKING TRYING TO RUIN ME?!" He yelled making her flinch.

"N-no Mr Jung... I am sorry... it was an a-acc-" she was cut off by another one of his outbursts.


Y/N squeaked in pain as she tried to get him to release her arm. And it did not help that the dizziness from earlier was coming back.

"Mr Jung please you are hurting me..." She whined and tried to remove his hand but it only resulted in him tightening his hold.

"Was it not enough that you abondoned your family... me? Your daughters? Now you are trying to ruin my company... how can you be so evil Y/N? What had I done wrong to make you leave us like that i-in... in such a horrible way? Was I not a good enough husband? Or was it because of that man you were with at the mall? Did he make a better partner?" He asked in a broken voice.

At the new information Y/N felt her head begin to throb. It felt like it was about to explode.

"Daughters?" Was all she said as the memory of the picture she saw on Taehyung's phone popped into her head.

She remembered him telling her that she had had a baby but he never answered her question about where the baby was... could the daughters the man infront of her spoke about be hers.

She tried to open her mouth to say something but failed as black dots began to cloud her vision. This resulted in her staggering forward and falling on to the man's chest. A loud groan left her mouth as the pain in her head began to worsen.

"Hey what the hell is wrong with you?" Hoseok as as he held onto her waist to keep her from falling.

She didn't answer as flashes began to pop up on her head making the pain unbearable. She tried to move her hands up to her head to make it stop but she was too week and the just limply fell to her sides.

"T-the babies..." She said barely above a whisper before her whole world turned black leaving her unconscious.


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