26. Love

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Pulling away from Eirenae Y/N slowly realized that the rest of her family was still tired up. She slowly stood up and took Eirenae's hand before walking to them .

She first release Erelah who in turn jumped into her mother's arms and held her tightly.

"You are alright my baby." She whispered to her before releasing Hoseok who didn't was time in scooping his family in a tight embrace.

"I love you all so much..." He said to them as a few tears left his eyes.

His heart was still racing from the fight her had just suffered. The sight of his little baby being held at gun point broke him and what made things worse was the fact that he couldn't do anything other than just watching as the scene played out infront of him.

"Mommy you hurt!" Erelah pointed out when they all pulled away from each other and only then did Hoseok also realize that she had been shot.

"Are you hurting?!" He asked in a panicked voice as he grabbed on to her waist and leaned most of her weight against him.

"N-no I'm alright... it just stings a little." She responded as she tried to put on a brave face for her children but couldn't help it as her cheeks began to heat up from her body leaning against Hoseok's toned one.

She mentally curse herself because it was not the time to be acting like a horny teenager.
"We have to call the police." Hoseok said as he helped her walk all the while making sure that their children followed closely behind.

They didn't get very far though as the saw the door open and both of Y/N's brother's walk in.

The two men immediately halted their steps as the saw the condition of the family and the house.

"WHAT HAPPENED?!" Jungkook yelled as soon as he saw the wound on her leg.

He didn't waste a second a he ran up to her side and cupped her cheeks. Tahyung just stood in shock trying to process everything that was happening.

"Kook I'm okay... it's not as bad as it looks." She explained trying to ease him a bit but look on his face showed that it didn't.

"How did this happen?" Taehyung asked finally breaking his own silence.

"Hyunia held us hostage." Hoseok said making a dark look display on his face.

""THAT BIT-WITCH! Where is she?" He asked angrily, thankfully being able to catch himself before he could swear infront of the little girls who now stood beside their father holding hands.

Hoseok subtly pointed behind the sofa making the two man confused before they decided to go take a look for themselves.

Their faces slightly paled as they saw the woman's body laying in her own blood. Though they both felt sick they couldn't help but to sigh in relief that she would never bother then again.

"Can't feel bad because she had it coming." Taehyung mumbled as he walked away from the sofa and to his nieces' side.

He grabbed both their hand before leading them out of the house. He felt bad that they had to witness all that just because of that witch who he hoped was now burning in the deepest pits of hell.

"Have you called the police?" Jungkook asked as he walked back to Y/N's side.

"No... we did have time, everything was just too hectic." Y/N explained as hoseok began to walk them out while Jungkook walked along side them.

"I'll call them then." Jungkook said as he took his phone out and then walked ahead of them.

"Are you are okay?" Hoseok asked as he looked at her.

When she looked up at him he couldn't help the blush that spread across his cheek. Though she was a mess she was still so breathtaking and he didn't know how that was possible.

"Yeah. I just need to get this patched up and I will be good as new." She said and softly smiled.

"I'm sorry." Hoseok said all of a sudden making her smile fall.

"Why are you sorry?" She asked giving him a confused look.

"If I had not been so nice to Hyunia all those years ago then none of this would have happened. She wouldn't have tried to kill you all those years ago and even now. I also put our daughters in danger by letting her stay in our lives." He explained with a sad look and she couldn't help but to let out a sigh of frustration.

How could he blame himself when none of this was remotely his fault.

"Hobi please don't blame yourself when none of this was your fault. The only one to blame is Hyunia. You can't help it that you are nice people and that you generally a nice person. So I am not going to accept that apology and I also won't accept you blaming yourself for what happened all those years ago or today." She said and raised her hand to caress his cheek lovingly.

"Thank you." he responded and leaned his forehead against hers.

"I really hope that we can get back to where we used be." He added as he moved back a kissed her forehead softly.

"One day we will but not right now. We still need to work very hard to build up the trust that we lost in each other. We won't go back to were we used to because we will make it a lot better... we will be the loving happy family that we were supposed to be all those years back." She corrected him before passing him a sweet smile which he gladly returned.

He was happy to see that loving smile of hers again directed toward him and he promised himself that he was going to do everything he could to see her smile like that each and every day for the rest of his life.

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