18. Remember

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Y/N walked slowly into the building as a feeling of nostalgia hit. It felt good to be back now tgat she had regained her memories but she knew life was not going to make anything easy for her from now on.

Her husband hated her and she could only hope that he would believe her after she told him the truth.

When she got to his door she let out a soft sigh before hesitantly knocking.

"Come in." She heard his deep voice from the other side say making her heart race.

"Hoseok..." She whispered as she walked inside.

She then felt herself freeze as she saw him for the first time since she got out of the hospital. Her eyes filled with tears as she just stared at his handsome face in awe. She missed him so much.

"I don't pay you to stare at me miss Jeon." He said as he looked up meeting her her eyes which made him freeze.

For the first time her eyes held the same look of love like before since she returned.

"Hobi..." She whispered as a lone tear rolled down her cheek making the rest of them start to fall as well.

The nickname made the man tense up even more.

She said his name so lovingly not like the last time where she pretended to be confused. This was confusing him. He could not understand her sudden change of behaviour.

"Who the hell gave you the right to call me that?" He asked venomously as he stood up after breaking away from his brief trance.

"M-my love... I-I finally remember... y-you... the g-girls...our daughters... Hoseok I didn abandon you..." She explained but got cut off by the sobs escaping her throat.

The look of disgust and hatred that he was giving her at the moment was breaking her heart. She could not bear the though of the love of her life hating her.

"H-Hobi-" she started but was cut off by his abrupt movements.

In a flash he was standing infront of her, holding her tightly by her neck but not enough to cut off her breathing.

"Don't ever fxcking call me that. You have no right... and you got one thing very wrong... Those two little girls are not yours. THEY ARE MINE. MY DAUGHTERS! You lost the fxcking right to call them your the moment you abandoned them!" He yelled in her face before shoving her away from him but still glaring dangerously at her.

Y/N almost lost lost her balance but at the last second managed to catch herself. Her hair that was in a neat but earlier now out of it's hold as it fell into her face slightly obstructing her view of him.

"I d-didn't abandon them... I-I didn't abandon you... I w-would never do such a t-thing... I love y-"

"Don't you dare finish that fxcking sentence. What you did is not love Y/N. Now get back to work because I don't want to discuss my personal life anymore with a stranger." He said harshly and turned away to walk back to his desk but was stopped by her grabbing his wrist.

"L-let me see them please..." She begged as he turned his head to look at her harshly.

His heart broke at the sight of her being distraught but he did not let it show as he only glared at her.

"I will never allow you to see my daughters or be near them! You don't deserve them!" He spat out harshly before yanking his wrist out of her hold causing her to lose her balance and fall to the ground.

Tears rapidly fell as she watched his blurry figure walk away from her.

"H-Hoseok p-please..." She begged but her pleas fell on deaf ears.

"Get to work miss Jeon unless you don't want to get paid." The man said dismissively before focusing on his own work even though his heart broke at the sound of her cries.


"Hoseok please..." She pleaded with him once again after they got into his office but again he just ignored her.

It had been two weeks since Y/N had regained her memories and every single day of those two weeks she begged him to see their daughter. She had even gone as far as going to their old house to try and see at least a glimps of them but that did not happen as Hoseok told the guard's to not let her in.

"Hobi-" she couldn't even finish her words as the man grabbed a hold of her chin and glared straight into her eyes.

"Do you think that this is a fxcking game? That when you come crawling back I will just allow you into my daughters' lives... you are fxcking wrong if you think that Y/N. You are never going to the chance to ever see them again. Even if it kills me I will never allow you near my children... Beg as much as you want but it's not going to change my mind. Your crocodile tears do not affect me in the slightest bit so cut the act and stop wasting both of our time." He said and released her harshly causing her to stumble a bit before catching herself.

"H-Hoseok..." She started but was again cut off by him.

"Why don't you go bother that little boyfriend of yours... oh wait... don't tell me you got bored of him like you did of me and your children... Is that the reason you came crawling back Y/N... did you finally get tired of your little boy toy and realise that I am the one you actually want?" He asked and his words completely shut her up.

She stared at him in disbelief... She could not believe that he was implying that she was a slxt.

Hoseok not recieving a response just smiled at her before sitting down and starting his work.

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