18 - An idea

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There was this strange heaviness on my chest while I was trying to wake up. I tried to roll to my side, but the weight on me mumbled and didn't let me do it. Wait, the weight mumbled? I opened my eyes to see that the little red head that was occupying my every thought was laying spread over me and sleeping soundly. Her head was on my chest, her hands on my sides, keeping me closer to her, like a had a chance to walk away. Her whole body was between my thighs, making it impossible to move without waking her up. Honestly, I was perfectly ok with the way we were right now, but I was sure she wouldn't agree with me. I risked touching her head, putting my fingers through her silky waves when she stirred and made herself more comfortable on my chest. Then I heard a deep sigh from her, after which her body became stiff and I knew she was finally awake.

"Good morning, Cupcake." I was still playing with her hair when she moved to look at me with her sleepy eyes.

"Umm, hi." There was a shock in her eyes. I was sure she didn't know how to react in this situation. Nor do I, but I was fine with it. I could get used to this kind of wake-up arrangement every day.

"Feeling comfortable?" Her cheeks were getting red, and she tried to move, but I put both of my hands around her, securing her place on top of me. 



"Sorry for...um...occupying you. I'm not sure how it happened."

"I'm not."

"What?" she tried again to move from our position to look at me, but I didn't give her a chance.

"I don't feel sorry for the way we are. Honestly, it's very comfortable, so feel free to do it all the time. I like it when you are this close to me. I had the best sleep in ages and now I know the reason for that." I was sure she was trying to come up with an excuse why we shouldn't be sleeping so close, but didn't have the chance to say it because there was a loud scream from the other room. I immediately moved Lily to the bed and jumped from it, sprinting to Caitie's room to check on her. She was barely awake when I brought her here yesterday, so I thought that maybe she was confused about where she is or how she got here.

When I got to her room, Caitie was trembling on the floor. Her whole body was covered with sweat. I guess the withdrawal was catching her way sooner than I thought.

"C'mon, Caitie, let's get you back in bed." I get her fragile body in my arms; the trembles weren't stopping for a second.

"Is she alright?" Lily was staying at the door, not sure what to do.

"Yeah. It's just... that's what happens when you stop the drugs. She'll have a tough few weeks, but I hope she manages to survive them without going back on her old path. She's having a fever now. Can you, please, give me something to try to ease it a little bit for her?"

"Of course, I'll be right back." A few minutes late, Lily came back with a bow with liquid in it and a cloth, which she soaked and put on my sister's forehead.

"There was this nice lady that told me one time that water with a little bit of vinegar in it helps with bringing someone's temperature down."

"Thank you, Lily. Sorry, I know that it's not the best..."

"Dax, stop. I'm really happy that Caitie has a brother who cares so much for her. I wish I had someone like you in my life. She is really lucky. Don't apologize for caring for your family."

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