32 - Snitching at its finest

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I didn't even wait to explain what Ace signalized. I just took his leash and sprinted towards my team that waited outside.

"We have a problem." All eyes were on me, I vaguely heard footsteps coming behind me, but didn't wait for the detective.

"What did he find?" Max was in full commander mode, ready to collect all the available data before making any kind of decisions.

"Ace smelled drugs around the door."

"Shit!" Yeah, my thoughts exactly. Since the bakery became the unofficial space where all the cops from our town came in their breaks for coffee and sweets, the place was constantly having at least one officer in there all the time...and everyone knew this. So, it wasn't logical for some druggies to come to this place if they weren't here for something specifically, or for someone. "Detective Conway, do you have any information what's happening with the other break-ins connected to Emily?" This had to be connected some way. It was absolutely insane if three different people or groups had something against Lily. It didn't make sense.

"Um, I'm not sure that I'm allowed to talk about them." I was ready to punch him in the face and I guess the detective saw it in my eyes, because he continued. "But I can call the colleagues and ask them."

"You go do that." After a few long minutes watching him in the distance talking on his phone, he finally finished his conversations. He took a deep breath and turn around, not surprised to see all eyes from my team on him.

"So, hmm, I'm honestly not sure how wise it is to tell you the information we have, but I guess my superiors think it will help connect all the missing pieces." Well, I'm happy that someone was thinking straight at least. I mean, I know that we were all connected, me more than the others, but at same time, we were cops, we can focus on the task in front of us and shut down all the emotions that are swirling in our heads.

"We are all ears, detective."

"We know that the break in in her apartment is made from a different person than the one here in the bakery."

"How so? Do you know who did it?"

"Not exactly. But we found males DNA in the apartment, that was not a match to any one of yours. So, we think that men were the perpetrators of that one. At the moment we are searching for a match in our database, but for now – we don't know who did it. We know that there were at least two men there, but judging by the destruction, I think that they were more, just two of them weren't careful enough and left traces. As to the break here, we think that it was a woman, we have a footage from a shop near here where she passes by around the time that the accident happened, but we can't identify her. She was wearing baggy clothes, big handbag, with a scarf around her head and face, plus big sunglasses in the middle of the night, so there was nothing on her that could help us identify her. The last direction I know the detective was going with was to try to identify her clothes or bag and hope that they were some boutique shits that could lead us to the woman."

"Do you have the footage? We know a lot of the people coming here and probably could try to identify her if she was some of the regulars." Max was once again leading the conversation and I was happy that I didn't have to do it. I was good at concentrating on the task in front of me and doing my job, but talking cool-headed and with an even tone at moments like this, wasn't my thing.

"Yeah, one second." Detective Conway walked towards his car and in a few minutes, he came to us with his laptop in hand. "Here, that's the woman we suspect." All of my team looked at the screen and saw a tall woman walking in front of the camera that was positioned on the top corner of a shop. The woman was trying her best to hide herself and was doing it good. Just like Conway said, there was noting that could help you identify her. You couldn't see her hair, her eyes, even her body type. All you could see was that she was tall, even without her ginormous heels that she was wearing, it was obvious that this woman wasn't very sort.

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