26 - Deep Sensation

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The sexual tension between me and Lily was growing with every minute and I wasn't sure when it was going to burst. And it was happening not because I didn't want to step the line, because I surely do...and I'm pretty sure she wanted It too, if the way she was watching me all the time is of any indication. The big problem was that there wasn't a right time to make the move. I didn't want to just fuck her. I wanted to consume her completely, to learn every spot, every curve of her magnificent body. The taste of her. To learn what makes her aroused, what she sounds like when she's coming. To hear her scream my name in the apex of her ecstasy. All of that dreams were left to the side for a while because...well, the biggest reason was time. I haven't had the time that I wanted to get accustomed with her naked body. Because of work, because of her shop, and mostly because of my sister. Since Caitie moved in, there wasn't a time when me and my sweet Cupcake were just the two of us, and I sure wasn't going to have sex while my little sister was in the house. Some things are better not shared with your siblings...like the sounds of your sex life.

So, me and Lily was just dancing on this thin line every day and every night, and my hand was getting tired of all the action it was having with my dick while I was in the shower. I was like a horny teenager all over again, masturbating in his bath to hide it from the others in the house.

And that was what I was doing right now. We were back from the bakery and I was washing away all the sweat and grime from my skin. The shop was staring to look like a nice place once again, thanks to the insurance. They quickly made their investigation, saw that it wasn't something that Lily made herself to try to trick them in some way and they paid the money that was needed to rebuild the whole place. Me and the SWAT guys were in there every available minute, trying our best to make it look good quickly. Even some of the other policemen were coming and lending a hand here and there and making it possible for us to finish in less than two months from the break in.

I let my hand slide to the place between my legs where it always ended when I was in the shower, the image of my hard-working Cupcake right before my closed eyes. Her skin was glistering with sweat while she was trying to do some hard work on her own. Her hips were swaying seductively with every step she was making, driving me mad with the need to grab her and bury myself deep into her hot body and never let her go. But her eyes were my greatest weakness. The way she was looking at me, with such trust, was undoing. And when it was mixed with lust, the little sparks in there and the redness in her cheeks, it was turning me on so much that I was walking around with a constant hard on all the time.

My hand was moving up and down my shaft on autopilot. The images of my sweet Lily were playing in my head making my moves hectic. My hips were rocking in sync with my fist. I was breathing fast, chasing the exploding feeling of my orgasm. I was getting closer with every pump, every trust. I could feel the tingles starting at the back of my neck, moving down my spine and ending in my balls. The blood was rushing in my ears, I couldn't hear anything except my shallow breaths.

I guess that was the reason why I didn't hear the door to my bathroom opening, nor did I heard the steps getting closer to me. I found out I was no longer alone in my shower when a delicate hand closed around my calloused one that was pumping my shaft. A soft body pressed to my hard back, lips softly touching my skin, making goosebumps shows everywhere they kissed me.

"I guess now I know why your showers are so long and you look so...satisfied when you walk out of the bath." My hand stopped its moves, trying to make a sense of what was happening, trying to understand if it was one of my wild fantasies. But Lily's hand didn't stop with mine. She continued to move it up and down my dick, squeezing me so good, that I couldn't stop the moan that left my lips. I felt her body moved from behind me, but I didn't want to open my eyes...didn't want that fantasy to disappear. Until I felt soft lips kissing the head of my cock. That made me snap my eyes wide open and look down between my legs where Lily was kneeling. Her lips lazily kissed a path from the head of my dick, down to its base and up again. Her feather touches were driving me mad, I wanted more, but I was afraid to move, afraid that I'll broke the spell and she'll walk away from me. So, I made myself stay at one place, barely feeling the water pouring down my body, and waited to see what my Cupcake had in mind.

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