17 - New arrangements

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I heard the front door of the house close and some steps going up the stairs. I was still trying to rub the sleep away from my eyes when Dax walked into the room.

"Oh, hi, there. Did I wake you up?"

"No, no, I was already awake. Just...I guess not fully. It's way too hard to do it after so much walking around. I really don't know how I managed in the first place." I looked at Dax, and his face was all serious. What happened while I was sleeping? He seemed like a thousand thoughts were running through his head and wasn't sure what to do with them. "What's going on, Dax? What are you thinking so hard about?" He looked at me, then said something under his breath, came and sat on the bed next to me.

"Well, I kind of found my sister..."

"Where? Is she okay? Did you need any help? I can..." He quickly stopped me from asking another set of questions by putting his arms on my shoulders.

"She's fine. Weak and very tired, but fine." He removed his hands from me, and I instantly felt the absence of his heat.

"Okay...where is she?" That question made him cringe a little bit.

"Umm, with Becca." What? How...what his sister was doing with his ex?

"Umm, wha..."

"They were friends way before me and Becca got together. I didn't even know it for a long time. Anyway, I went to see and talk to Caitie, and...she is not in the right mindset right now, and that really bothers me. I'm not sure what to do with her, but I know that I need to keep an eye on her all the time, or she'll slip down the dark path again." He looked really torn, and all I wanted to do was jump and hug the hell out of him, but I stayed in my place still trying to figure out what he was trying to say. I knew that it'll be the best for both of them if they live together, so he'll be able to take care for her and in the meantime, keep her in the right path...but that means that I'll have to go for a search for a new place. I still have the money from the shopping, they'll have to be enough to find a place somewhere a little bit safer from my last one, but wasn't sure how much time I had for the search. Caitie wasn't very well when I met her, and I think Dax will want her with him as soon as possible. Maybe he'll let me stay with him for a couple of days... or I'll need to find a cheap motel nearby to stay in while searching.

Everything was running chaotically in my mind, and I wasn't sure what to do with all the thought I had. I was really happy to stay with Dax, but I guess everything good has an end, right. This one came way quicker than I thought, but...

"I know that the idea it crazy, but I promise that I won't do anything that you don't want." Wait, what? What is he talking about? I didn't know I zoned out while he was still talking.

"Umm, sorry, I wasn't listening. What were you saying?" I felt my cheeks getting warmer from my confection. He looked me in the eyes and took a deep breath.

"I know that it sounds crazy. Believe me. I know it. But I promised you that you'll have a home under my roof and I want to keep that promise."

"But your sister will be better if she lives with you. And you don't have the room to keep both of us here. Don't worry, I'm not mad or anything, just need a couple of days to find a new..."

"You really didn't pay any attention to what I was saying, did you?"

"Sorry, but no. I was thinking where I could start my search for a place."

"I don't want you to search for a new place."

"But Caitie..."

"That's what I was saying when you were not listening. I want her to live with me, but I want you to stay here too. And the idea might sound crazy, but I know that it can work. If you are up for it."

"What are you talking about, Dax? I can't see a way for both me and Caitie to stay in your house. It's not a small house, but there aren't enough beds, and I don't know if the couch is good enough."

"I wasn't thinking about the couch because I know how uncomfortable it is for a long sleep. I was thinking... I know that it's a crazy idea, but I think that it can happen and I promise that..."

"Dax, I don't know what you are talking about? What's your idea? Because I can't come up with one that will let all three of us stay in the house."

"Fuck. Okay. So, I was thinking to let Caitie sleep in this room." Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. "And for you..." he looked so insecure for his next words; I had no idea how to make him feel better "Shit. I was thinking that you can come and sleep in my bed." What? What was he talking...? "I know that it sounds crazy, but hear me out, please?" He was looking me with big puppy eyes and I had no way of denying him. The idea was crazy for sure, but...something in me really wanted to hear what exactly was his plan.

"So, I know that we don't know each other very well, but my bed is big enough for both of us and I promise, I'll keep it to my half of the bed. There's no way putting you and Caitie in one bet, and me and her, we might be a family and share a bed while we were kids, but I can't imagine doing it right now, so... it's up to you and me, sharing a bed... big bed, so you don't need to worry about me getting closer to you or something like that. Most of the time, I'm so tired from work that I just fall into the bed and don't move throughout the night." To sleep in one bed with Dax? Was he crazy? The idea was so bizarre, but at the same time exciting.

"Dax, I don't..."

"Just think about it, please? I know that's crazy, but...I really don't want you to go somewhere that I can't keep an eye on you too. We're still not sure what exactly happened with your apartment, and I don't want to risk it. And if you stay, that way you too could keep an eye on Caitie and make sure she's not doing something stupid while I'm not at home. And..." He had a point. We didn't know who was responsible for ruining my place, and with me staying with him... I'd be able to watch out what Caitie is doing and make sure she's alright. And I know that she didn't like me very much when we met, but I hope that it was the drugs talking and not her. Was I really thinking of accepting Dax's offer? And I know that he was honest when he said that he'll stay on his side of the bed... but what if I don't want him to do that? Shit. I really liked him, and the thought of sleeping next to him was trilling, and I was...what was I thinking? This is a bad idea. I can see it, I really can, and in the meantime... I can't find it in me to tell him no. I was crazy...for sure.

Dax was still talking when I made my mind and interrupted him.


"...I really want you to..." He stopped and looked me right into my eyes. "What was that?"

"I said, okay. I'll do it." He was still looking at me with disbelief.

"You sure? I mean, I meant what I said and all that, but..."

"Don't tell me now you want to decline the offer..."

"No, no, no...I don't want that... just...honestly...I thought I'll need to persuade you a lot more and was ready with my speech and stuff and you agreed and I.... wasn't sure how to react. Are you sure that you don't have a problem sharing a bed with me?"

"I am sure, Dax. I trust you, and besides, what girl in her right mind won't agree to be in one bed with you?" The smirk on his face left me speechless. What was I saying? Shit. I was in big trouble and had no one to blame for it, except myself.

"I'm glad, Cupcake. I'll go make some space for your stuff in my wardrobe and then go take Caitie from Becca. I don't trust her to keep her for too long." Dax gave me a quick peck on my cheek and walked away before I even registered what he did.

"What just happened, Ace?" I looked at the dog in my feet. "Do you think I'm crazy? Because I sure do feel like I am." 

***Who can blame her? If someone like Dax suggests sharing a bed...count me in :)

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