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Single, does not mean lonely;

And relationships, does not mean happy.

Single is more than a status,

Single may mean I'm working on me

Or I refuse to settle for less.

Never let friends, family or anyone rush you into a relationship;

But more importantly, don't let loneliness, rush u in a relationship.

Don't worry, your not missing out; for those couples also have their struggles, behind the scenes.

Relationships can be beautiful, but don't let any one rush you, TAKE. YOUR. TIME.

The worst thing in life is not being alone,

Its being with someone who makes you feel alone.

There's no one that can actually complete you, self love is what completes you.

Everybody is trying to find the "ONE", but let me open your eyes to see the truth;

You are the ONE.

Don't wait for anyone to make you happy, because if you are unhappy, a relationship will not improve it, it will expose it.

You got to make you happy.

Being single is the best time to become the person you know u are,

And once you become that, you wont have to be chasing anyone,

They will come to you at just the right time, and not as someone to just "go with you",

But rather someone to "grow with you".

Where you can truly be yourself around and find joy doing absolutely nothing with.

Its not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy relationships.

Find someone who adds real value to your life, that supports and cherishes you;

Otherwise...... its not really worth it

Tremar Ivey

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