Why I Write...

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With poems so creative,
Poems so divine,
I'm continuously asked, how to write a poem like mine.
So many responses, as vast as the sea,
But the truth is very simple, as simple as it can be,
I write for love, I write for me.
I vent through each rhyming melody.
I write when I'm happy,
I write when I'm sad.
I write when I'm disappointed,
I write when I'm glad.
I write with my emotions,
I let it all out.
So the impact is painted as it's  uttered from my mouth.
I write to get away, I write to document,
So go ahead and vote, share and comment.
I write about my life, about each stage,
My is a perfect reflection on each page.
I write for those, who can't write for themselves,
Hoping that one day, My book will be on your shelves.
If another poem is out, as fast as you blink,
Maybe that's because emotion is my Ink.
So the next time you wonder why do I write,
It's better this way than to be crying at nights...

Tremar Ivey

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