The alters- 1

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"You're all useless!"

Hels stabbed his sword into the table, the netherite blade instantly catching aflame, instantly burning the table and causing the wood to crumble to ashes. The alters that sat around the table weren't even shocked, most of them even looked bored.

"Take a seat, Hels. No need to get angry." Ex stated calmly, gesturing to one of the stone slabs that served as a seat. The evil version of Wels grumbled to himself while storming over to the stone slab, bits of fire surrounding his feet as he walked, imprinted his footprints on the ground from the heat of the flames.

The group was small, Ex, Hels, NPG Grian, Truesymmetry, and BadtimeswithScar. True always had her long hair pulled back in a bun, two swords holsters on her back, with her eyes a darker shade of blue than False's. Badtimes looked exactly like Scar, except his jacket and hat were black instead of the usual brown, his eyes also being blue instead of green.

"How are we supposed to take over hermitcraft if there's only five of us!? I thought you said you had an army, Ex! That's the only reason I came with you!" Hels snapped at the brother of the admin, who chuckled slightly underneath his breath.

"The reason I invited you here was because you're going to help us make an army." Ex grinned to the knight, who raised an eyebrow, intrigued at the idea.

[ We need to know where that cloning device is! The one that made you! ] NPG explained with excitement in his robotic voice, the clone of Grian practically bouncing up and down in his seat.

"If we get our hands on it, we can simply make more evil hermits, instead of waiting for them to show up." Badtimes chimed in, his voice monotone and empty.

Hels scoffed. "So, all you want is that cloning device? Please, that's going to be easy. I can snag it and bring it back here in 10 minutes!"

"Perfect," Ex said, turning away from the evil version of Wels to face the rest of the group. "the rest of you know your assignments. Each of you grab a hermit and bring them back here. Make sure no one sees you, especially Xisuma."

The group nodded, each pulling out a weapon of their choice, the five sharing an evil glint in their eyes.

They all knew that this was going to be fun.


Mumbo looked down at the note in his hand, then glanced up, examining the hermit challenges area. The Brit scratched his head, Grian had told him to come here for some odd reason, with nothing but a vague note.


Meet me at the hermit challenges area! I'll be waiting for you


There were even little doodles of hearts that decorated the page. It was short but sweet, and Mumbo was more than happy to meet up with Grian. A rustle of leaves came behind the Redstoner, Mumbo and quickly turning to see the sweater wearing hermit walk out of the greenery.

[ Glad you could make it, Mumbo! ] NPG grinned happily, the taller male instantly noticing the metal plates on his face and the robotic tone of his voice. Not to mention the soulless look in his eyes.

"Gri? What's going on? this a prank? What's with this whole robotic look of yours?"

[ Just come with me, all will be explained! ] the robot said with a cheerful smile, though Mumbo took a step back to distance himself from the clone. Something definitely wasn't right, and the Redstoner had a bad feeling about 'Grian'.

"Y-you can't be Grian," Mumbo said underneath his breath, causing the NPC to frown.

[ We could have made this easy, but no, you just had to be suspicious.. ] NPG grumbled underneath his breath, pulling out a bow and an arrow of weakness. Mumbo's eyes went wide, the Brit instinctively turning and running away. The robot pulled the bowstring back, firing the arrow, which lodged itself into Mumbo's leg.

The Redstoner tumbled to the ground, his body turning limp as it became hard to move. He let out a quiet groan in pain, NPG practically slipping with joy as he approached Mumbo. The robot smiled, pulling out a rope that he tied around the Brit's arms and chest, before tying another rope around his mouth to prevent Mumbo from screaming.

[ Sorry about this! ] NPG said, pulling out an axe, causing Mumbo's eyes to instinctively widen with fear. Before he could do anything, the robot slammed the side of the axe against the Brit's head, knocking him out cold.

The robot laughed to himself, pulling the rope and dragging the unconscious Redstoner along. Darkness took over the sky as the sun set, NPG dragging Mumbo through the jungle until they reached a jungle temple. The clone of Grian lifted the Brit in his arms, carrying Mumbo down the stairs, leading deep underground.

There were three other hermits tied up, locked away in a cell. Ex had captured Iskall, True had captured Stress, and Badtimes had captured Bdubs. NPG carefully placed the sleeping Redstoner into the cell with the other hermits, shutting the door made of iron bars.

"About time you made it back," True said while admiring her painted nails, while the other evil alters finished adjusting the cloning device that Hels had easily stolen.

There were two modules that were connected by a device in the middle, a hermit would go into one module, while the evil alter would come out on the other side. The device in the middle was a screen with a keyboard and other flashing buttons, the control center to be exact.

Ex stood up, setting down a wrench that he had been using to work on the machine. "It should be ready to go," he said to the others, "now we just need to grab a hermit to test it on."

[ Mumbo! ] NPG shouted excitedly, Ex rolling his eyes as he nodded at the robot.

The copy of Grian smiled, running to the cell and grabbing the rope. He dragged Mumbo out of the makeshift prison and into the module, bouncing up and down with excitement as the door slid closed.

Badtimes, True, Hels, and NPG stood back and watched as Ex typed in a few adjustments to the machine, the admin's brother flicking a switch to turn on the device.

A large flash of light came from inside both the modules, the machine rumbling for a couple moments before the light subsided. The second module opened, smoke escaping from the capsule.

A figure stepped out, the man looking eerily similar to Mumbo. He didn't wear a suit jacket like the Redstoner, simply a white shirt with the sleeves rolled up. He adjusted his tie while his cyan eyes scanned the room.

They had done it.

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