Xisumalotl - 1

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"So you really don't mind?"

The admin chuckled softly, "Of course not, Scar. I'll happily help you relabel your potions from season seven. It'll add a bit of excitement to this boring day."

The terraformer nodded his head, setting down a few glass bottles on a table in his starter base. "You really don't mind testing these out? I mean, they shouldn't hurt, and I have antidotes, but still."

"Eh, it'll be fun." Xisuma laughed as he took a seat, Scar smiling at the admin's courage. The cat-lover reached for a light pink brew, uncorking the potion bottle.

He poured a bit of the pink liquid onto the top of Xisuma's helmet, a light glow beginning to spread throughout his body. "Okay...this should tingle. I'll grab the antidote if it starts to hurt."

Xisuma slightly raised an eyebrow, looking down at his gloved hands, which were glowing from the potion. "I don't feel anything. The only thing that's really happening is this glow."

"Just give it a moment. It can take a bit for the potion to kick in." Scar explained as he set down the bottle, turning his back on the admin. He raised an eyebrow as he noticed a pink smog surrounding his ankles, the terraformer quickly turning around, X surrounded in the strange pink mist.

When the fog cleared, the only remnants of Xisuma was his helmet, which was sitting on his chair. Scar's eyes widened. 'Did he teleport? Or maybe he shrunk?' The terraformer thought to himself, but Scar froze when the helmet began to move.

He slowly reached for his sword, using the point of the blade to slowly lift the helmet up to see what was underneath Xisuma's headgear.

There was a small pink axolotl, happily smiling while its tail wagged with joy. Scar raised an eyebrow, "Xisuma, is that you?" He asked, setting down his sword while crouching to become eye-level with the amphibian.

Xisuma leapt off the chair and over Scar's head, snatching the small hat on the terraformer's head. "Hey! Give that back!" He called, chasing after the axolotl, that ran out of the starter base.

Scar scooped the mischievous axolotl into his arms, Xisuma squirming as the terraformer tugged his hat out of the amphibian's mouth.

"Alright X, I think I have an antidote to change you back, so stay put, okay?" Scar said as he set Xisuma down onto the table with the potions, the admin's tail wagging as he smiled at the terraformer.

Scar pointed a finger at Xisuma. "Stay," he said, as if he were training a pet. The amphibian bit his finger, gnawing on the terraformer. It didn't hurt, but it was annoying. The brunet pulled away, picking up one of the potions.

"Okay...one of these should be the anti—" Scar froze as he heard a bottle shatter against the ground. He turned around, Xisuma innocently wagging his tail after pushing the glass bottle off the table.

"And...I bet that was it.." he groaned, pulling open a drawer and pulling out an old book. He pushed the other potions out of the way, flipping through a few pages. Xisuma chewed on the edge of the paper, Scar slightly scratching the axolotl's head as he read.

Scar let out an annoyed groan. "These ingredients for the antidote could take days to get without an elytra.." he muttered, picking up Xisuma and setting the amphibian down in a water bucket.

The terraformer pulled out his communicator, calling a group meeting with the server. Hopefully they could help with his little Xisuma problem.

"Soooo.....this axolotl is X?" Grian asked as he poked the amphibian between the eyes, Xisuma sticking out his tongue while wagging his tail. Scar set down the bucket on the ground, nodding his head with a sigh.

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