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"You got this, Grian!"

The builder could feel his hand shaking as he pulled back the bow string, all eyes watching and judging his every move. He tried to remain firm in his stance, though it was difficult when his legs were shaking on the ice. Fruitberries was at his side, giving a supportive thumbs up.

Grian swallowed the lump in his throat, trying his hardest to catch his breath. Was... was it getting harder to breathe?! As soon as he noticed the difficulty in breathing, it only got worse. The builder lowered his bow, tugging on the collar of his sweater.

"F-fruit, he-help..." he gasped desperately, tears beginning to force their way out of his eyes.

Quickly discarding his bow onto the ground, Fruit rushed over to Grian, who was on his knees, desperately trying to get air as his body violently shook. He fell into his teammate's arms, with the remaining players on pink rushing to make sure that everything was alright.

Bad checked his pulse, which was faster than average, and speeding up with every passing moment. "We need a healing pot!" Finn yelled in distress, though Fruitberries shook his head.

"A healing potion isn't gonna do anything for a panic attack! We gotta get him out of here!"

"But what about dodgebolt? We still haven't finished!" Dream said as Fruit lifted the builder in his arms, causing everyone in the event to shoot him a cold glare.

"If it makes you happy, we forfeit!" Scott yelled from the sidelines. "We ride together, we die together. We aren't doing this without Grian!"

"Fine, whatever." The speedrunner grumbled underneath his breath, before getting shoved off the sidelines by Bad, falling into the lava with an explosion of pink.

Fruit directed his attention back towards his teammate, who was stuck in his own little world, clearly on the brink of passing out. A few of the MCC admins were in the process of contacting hermitcraft, while Fruit was teleport off the ice by Scott.

The spectators, such as Phil, Wilbur, Pearl, Shubble, and a few others rushed over to see if Grian was alright. His breathing was becoming more and more labored and difficult, the builder's eyes squeezed shut as tears rolled down his cheeks.

"Give him some breathing room, people!" Joel yelled to those who were crowding him, Grian's condition only seeming to get worse as Scott checked his pulse.

His eyes were barely open, vision blurry from the tears as the world spun. Everything was moving so fast, with the dirty blonde hermit barely able to process anything with panic overtaking his mind.

The shaking got worse, Grian feeling like he was on fire and frozen at the same time. He wanted to throw up, so nauseous from everything spinning. His face was pale, while getting paler with each passing moment, as his chest felt like it was being crushed.

"Can we get him back to hermitcraft? Someone there could help." Scott asked to one of the admin's, that regretfully shook their head.

"We're trying to message every hermit we can, but we're afraid they won't respond in time."

"I can get us onto the server," Pearl offered as she pulled out her communicator, quickly opening her server list to make a portal back to the server.

Without waiting a moment, Fruit jumped through the portal, with the other MCC contestants following in tow. He reappeared in the middle of some kind of village, all sorts of differing houses and builds surrounding some kind of tower made of boats.

Mumbo was walking nearby, carrying a shulker box back to Treeza. It was easy enough to spot Grian in Fruit's arms, mainly due to the MCC players that were flooding onto the server to see how they could help the blonde.

Dropping everything, the mustached redstoner bolted for the barely-conscious hermit. "Grian?!" He asked in distress, the builder letting out barely a squeak in response.

"He had a panic attack.." Scott quickly explained, Mumbo carefully taking Grian from Fruitberries' arms.

"I told him not to go, he was already so stressed this week.." the redstoner muttered underneath his breath, glancing towards the crowd to search for a familiar face.

"Pearl, call Xisuma and get him over here. Wilbur, Joel, you two are on crowd control. Fruit and Scott, you're with me."

They quickly ran into Grian's starter base, where the builder was set down onto his bed, letting the panicking man relax in the warmth and comfort of his blankets. He whimpered quietly, which singled for Mumbo to crawl onto the open spot next to the blonde.

Stroking his hair and whispering softly to the builder, Grian's panicked breathing began to slow, as well as the rate that tears dropped down his face.

"Wow," Fruit muttered underneath his breath. "Mumbo is good."

Scott nodded, smiling calmly. "He's been the one that's always helped every time Grian's been overwhelmed with stress, so he's been pretty experienced with how to help in even the worst times."

Fruit glanced back at the two, watching as the tears stopped, Grian snuggling a bit closer towards Mumbo. His breathing managed to slow, along with his heart rate, the redstoner giving a nod towards Scott.

They left the house, which caused for the entire group of MCC participants to go silent. Even Dream raised an eyebrow from behind his mask, though he wasn't too involved with the drama.

"Everything is going to be alright. Mumbo is making sure Grian gets rest and manages to relax, so you can all head home now."

"You know we aren't going to do that, right?" Shubble asked, with faint mutters of agreement coming from the crowd. Scott gave a soft chuckle underneath his breath.

"You all can stay if it's alright with Xisuma. Just, please, don't steal or ruin anything." He said, Phil quickly grabbing Tommy's wrist to prevent him from running off.

Bad stepped forward, taking off the golden crown that rested on his head. "Give this to Grian, he deserved the win more than we did. All of the purple pandas do."

Scott took the crown, smiling at the gesture. "He'll be thrilled, but maybe this could be a little secret. Knowing Grian, he'll blame himself for our loss. Maybe we should just say that we won, just to cause him less stress."

"Nah," Wilbur said calmly, shoving his hands into his pockets. "There's no need to fake it when he's going to win next time, no doubt about it. But if anyone is deserving of a MCC win, it's Grian, by far."

"Obviously," Fundy chimed in. "I mean, have you seen him? He's stays up 'til like, two am, just practicing!"

"And he blames himself for every loss? I mean, damn, he really takes more than one for the team." Sapnap said, gaining more chatter about Grian's improvement and performance. Scott managed to smile to himself.

Yeah, he'd win next time. Grian was only going to get better and better, it was just a matter of time before he won his own crown.

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