part 30-No mercy

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Next day everyone has woken up early and was getting ready to go kill some people her uncles men that set the building to a explosion many innocent people in that building die without knowing their life was gotta end shortly alot of family's was hurt that they got killed by a explosion without knowing why and linqin well bring justice to them all. She got dress and was already ready.

Jm: so who's our first target?
Jh: well 4 of them has kids and one is getting married what should we do boss? We can't kill them like that.
L: we are not going to kill them we are going to scared them and their families because I don't care if they are scared of us, I am going to bring justice for the innocent people that die in that building. They didn't deserve it, they die without knowing and I am going to let them turn themselves in and show that they are guilty, our first target is Mr. Kim woomin snice he's single let's show him no mercy I will take care of the rest.

They smile and went to the van with their things and went to his address that jhope have hacked into, they made it and linqin stay in the car while taehyung and jimin go take care of him. They broke in his house and he looked at them.

M: who are you people?!
T: do you remember Mr. Soo? Our new boss order us to kill you for the explosion 2 days ago from you dead boss.
M: ha like your gotta do-

Jimin shot him they smirk and went out and pour gasoline everywhere his house taehyung light it up and the fire was on they walked away and went inside the van.

L: next is Mr. Robert whens his wedding?
Jh: it just started.
L: good.

She smirks they all were wearing black because that's what mafias wear. As they made it to the wedding resort she smirks.

L: i am going to destroy this day.

She smirks and grabs a block of cash and walked out with jungkook and taehyung, as they walk the grauds stopped them but jungkook and taehyung beat them up and bust the door open the people and family sreacm linqin, Taehyung and jungkook pull out the guns she shot the floor where Robert was his soon to be wife sreacm and they kneel as linqin points the gun at him.

R: what is this?!
L: this is your big day Mr. Choi.
R: what?
M: who are you people?! What are you doing to my son?!

His mother say.

F: if you don't get out of here we are going to call the cops!

Linqin turn and points the gun at his dad, she smirks evily the bad side of her is coming out.

L: we are the mafias if you call the cops we will Come for you and kill everyone here so you netter shut up old man.

They were scared. Linqin throw the money in the air and it went everywhere, and points her gun at Robert again and say loudly.

L: you work for my uncle and I know you and your men set that explosion in his building! I know you are also a mafia and if you don't want your soon to be wife to be kill by me you better listen to me.
R: *scoff* and what you gotta do about it?

Linqin smirks at him as taehyung and jungkook watched smirking, linqin puts her gun at his soon to be wife's head she sreacm in fear.

R: what you doing?!
L: what I'm gotta do is kill her right here right now if you turn yourself in to the cops and tell them you and your mafia set the explosion in the building and killing many others.
R: okay! Okay I will.
L: and if you report us...

She throw her feet on his shoulder pushing her black heel in his shoulder hardly he grunts.

L; I will come kill you and your wife

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