Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Zachary's POV

I was about to fall asleep when Mr Jung called my name.
"Zachary since it seems my class is too boring for you why don't you come and complete this equation for us" our math teacher said as he glared in my direction. I reluctantly stood up and dragged myself to the front of the class before picking up a new long chalk stick from the box on his desk.
I did it on purpose because I knew Mr Jung hated it when we used new sticks when the old ones were not finished.
I adjusted my glasses as I analysed the equation and smirked. This was child's play. It took me less than 10 seconds to solve everything before I turned to my teacher with a bored look.
"Anything else sir?" I asked in a tired tone and I saw his left eye twitching meaning he was extra mad. I'm a known genius and so I don't understand why he keeps picking on me when he knows I will just keep embarrassing him over and over again. Today was particularly embarrassing for him because he put up an advanced college math equation but I solved it without breaking a sweat.
"Just take a seat" he said through gritted teeth and I turned to the class who made a silent celebration.
Cyrus gave me a thumbs up and Konnor winked at me. Konnor liked to flirt with me nonstop but I didn’t like hm in that way or at all. I rolled my eyes before getting back to my seat and laying my head on my desk before falling into a deep sleep. I knew Mr Jung was not going to bother me for a while.

"Wake up sleepy head"
"Just 5 more minutes” I groaned as I covered my face.
"Wake up you idiot. You slept through the rest of math and history.  Anyway, its lunch time.  You know what that means" Cyrus said and I jumped up fully awake.
"Why didn't you say so? Let's go" I said as I grabbed his hand and rushed to the cafeteria.
I stopped by the door and waited for my breathing to be normal before peeking into the room. And there he was in all his handsome glory.

Dylan Modesto.

I know you are wondering who Dylan is. Well, he is my best friend. Why does it look like I'm stalking him like a lovesick puppy? Because I'm helplessly in love with my best friend. No one knows about my crush except for Cyrus and this is why I can act this way in front of him.
When I was a newcomer 3 years ago Dylan was the first to welcome me with open arms. I met Cyrus and Bruce a while later but from day one Dylan and I became good friends. But after a while I started to notice how gorgeous his almond eyes are, and I would stare at his kissable lips for far too long imagining how they would feel against mine.
I tried to deny it but I couldn’t fight the fact that I was falling for Dylan Modesto deeper each day we spent together. But because I was the shy nerd, I was never brave enough to confess my feelings to him. Cyrus caught me staring for too long one day and that's how he cornered me and forced me to tell him the truth about my feelings.

"Are you ready?" Cyrus asked as I snapped out of the trance that was only caused by thoughts of Dylan.
"Yes. I'm ready" I said with a smile.
After a lot of drilling from Cyrus today was the day, I was finally going to confess to Dylan. I was afraid a lot of things could go wrong. He might be as straight as a pole. He might find me disgusting and stop being friends with me. He might reject me in the worst way possible.
"Stop thinking about bad things. This is going to work out" Cyrus said as if he could read my mind.
"You are Zachary Kallis. You get a confession from both guys and girls every week. You are a handsome stud and if Dylan rejects you then he wouldn't know a good thing even if it slapped him in the face" Cyrus said and I smiled. Well, I would not refer to myself as a handsome stub but more of a cute fairy but I will take whatever I can get to boost my confidence.

I can do this.

We entered the cafeteria and I held my head high in confidence.
The plan was to ask to speak to Dylan in private halfway through lunch and make my move.
Cyrus and I settled by our usual table but before I could say a word Dylan beat me to the punch.
"Finally, you guys have arrived" Dylan said with his usual smile before passing us our share of lunch he bought us. He did that a lot. He was so considerate. How can I not fall helplessly in love with him?
"I want you to meet Cherette" he said and that's when I finally realized that there was a girl sitting next to him. I wondered why she was there but Dylan ’s next words not only answered my question but broke my heart.
"She's my girlfriend” Dylan said with a smile.
"O...'s great news" I said as I fought back the tears that threatened to escape my eyes.
Cyrus held my hand under the table as if feeling my distress.
"Congratulations Dylan" Cyrus said with a forced smile.
"I wish we could stay longer but we need to...go do that assignment. Right Zach" Cyrus said as he stood.
"We do?" I asked puzzled before I looked at his eyes.
"Oh yes. That assignment. Yes" I said was I stood following him as we grabbed our food and left.

As soon as Cyrus dragged me to a quiet corner in the library I finally let go as the tears flowed. I sat down and let out all my grief. Why on the day I was finally going to confess did he all of a sudden have a girlfriend.
Cyrus sat next to me and hugged me while whispering comforting words while I just crumbled in his arms. 

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