Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Author's POV

Zachary woke up Monday morning with a huge grin on his face.
He hadn't seen Dominic the whole weekend because their parents were back home and they wanted some family time because they were away for too long.
It happened a lot. Because of their jobs their parents traveled a lot. Their father owned a lot of hotels all around the world and their mother was a travel journalist and photographer.
It wasnt just about bonding with the kids but also with each other because some trips they went to different locations.
Family time was cherished in the Modesto household because together time was rare.
No matter what happened they loved each other and loved spending time together.
Zachary admired that a lot.

He went down to the kitchen and found Dominic having a bowl of cereal.
"Do i want to know how you got into my house?" He asked as he got a bowl and prepared the same for himself.
"I will never tell" he said with a mouth filled with cereal.
"Even though you won't tell me i still know this has Cyrus written all over it. On the bright side this means he can't sneak in anymore" Zachary said as he settled next to Dominic.
"He didnt mind giving me because he said he has plenty"
"WHAT?" Zachary responded in shock.
"I mean...You look exceptionally beautiful today" Dominic said and even if Zachary was mad he couldn't help but blush at the complement.
"I really need to change the locks. Between my psychotic best friend and perverted boyfriend i might get raped and murdered one day" Zachary said and Dominic laughed.
"I like that. I like hearing you call me your boyfriend"  Dominic said leaning towards Zachary who didnt heaitate to run away.
Dominic ran after him before pinning him against the wall and taking the kiss he had originally intended.
Zachary pretended to be reluctant but soon gave into his boyfriends addictive kisses.

Soon they left the house and headed to school.
"Arent you forgetting something?" Dominic said as soon as Zachary opened the door to drop off.
Zachary rolled his eyes before turning back to give Dominic a peck on the lips.
Dominic immediately held Zachary behind his head and turned the innocent kiss into a hot open mouth kiss that left Zachary breathless.
"Later baby" Dominic said and Zachary rushed out before Dominic saw him blushing.
"Damn that was hot" Zachary turned in shock from his locker as he faced Cyrus.
"I have to agree. I was major fangirling when I watched you guys making out. Apparently guys kissing is now on my kink list" Celeste said with a smile.
Zachary could only blush in embarrassment that people had seen him kissing Dominic.
At lunch time Zachary was happy he finally got a break from school work.
He stood by the cafeteria door as he glanced at his friends table.
Cyrus, Bruce and Dylan were already there and seemed to be laughing about something.
Zachary took some time and paid attention to Dylan. For the first time in a long time he felt...nothing.
He still cared about him and they were best friends and he would never trade him for anyone else but...they weren't any extra feelings anymore.
It was as if his crush just vanished.
"Finally you decided to show your face. I had to protect your sandwiches from Bruce. You know how he isn't satisfied until he can't see food anymore"  Dylan said with a smile as Bruce glared at him.
"Bruce wouldn't do that. He loves me too much" Zachary said accepting his lunch from Dylan.
Dylan pouted as Bruce stuck his tongue out at him and Zachary just laughed.
"I'm seated with a bunch of children who have the maturity of a peanut" Cyrus said trying to be serious but soon he was laughing like the others.

But all good things come to an end. The mood changed as soon as Cher arrived and sat next to Dylan before they kissed.
The lovebirds were whispering to each other when Cyrus spoke. 
"Sooooo Zach. How was your date on Friday?"
Zachary gave Cyrus a puzzled look. He literally told Emy, Beau and Cyrus all the details of his date on Saturday.
"Oh yes. You went on a date with Dominic. How did that go? Its your first ever date right?" Bruce asked totally clueless and interested.
"Second date. Dominic had taken him out earlier last week" Cyrus responded before Zach.
"Wait a second did you say you went out with Dominic. As in Dominic Modesto?" Cher asked shocking everyone with her outburst.
"Umm...yes. That Dominic" Zachary responded not looking directly at anyone and struggling not to blush at the thought of his date with Dominic.
"Dominic doesn't do dates" Cher said as if offended.
Truthfully she was crazy mad. She had tried for so long to get Dominic to be with her and she couldn't even get him to sleep with her.
Just imagine she couldn't get a playboy to sleep with her.
Now all of a sudden he went out on a date with Zachary.


The girl looking gay guy who was nothing compared to her.
She couldn't allow this to happen. She was going to make sure Dominic would be hers.
"How would you know that?" Cyrus asked with a frown.
"Ummm... I heard about him...from Dylan" Cher reaponded but Cyrus still gave her a suspicious look.
"Anyway they are dating now" Cyrus said.
"Cyrus. What are you saying" Zachary tries to cover his mouth but his friend was stronger and fought him off.
"What? Its true" Cyrus said with a smile.
"Dating?" Dylan finally joined the conversation.
He was trying not to get involved because he still couldn't get over the fact that Zach and Dominic went on a date since friday.
He wasn't sure why but the fact  made him feel weird and grumpy.
"I was going to tell you but I couldn't see you on the weekend" Zachary said before biting his lip in embarrassment because he knew he was blushing.
"Dominic and i...are now dating. Like officially he is my boyfriend" Zachary said before covering his blushing face with his hands.
At that moment Dylan felt his heart breaking into a million pieces. 

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