Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Zachary’s POV 

Everyone left later last night which caused me to sleep late. I didn’t want to wake up but I also didn’t want to be late for school and so I dragged my tired body into the bathroom.
It was too late for me to prepare breakfast and so I rushed out to catch the bus but to my surprise Dominic stood next to his car just outside my gate.
“Dominic” I couldn’t help but smile when I called out his name.
“Hey” he responded with a smile as he opened his hands inviting me for a hug which I gladly accepted.
“What are you doing here?” I asked as soon as he let go.
“I couldn’t wait until Friday to see you again and so I decided to come pick you up for school today” he said.
“I never agreed to that. You can’t just keep popping up when you feel like it” I said as I crossed my arms and tried to be serious.
“I know. I’m sorry but I missed you” he said as he wrapped his arms around my waist before kissing me and I gladly kissed him back.
“As a peace offering I came with breakfast” he said and I jumped into the passenger seat at the mention of food. He just chuckled as he also got into the car before passing me some hot chocolate and cake from the same place from yesterday.
“Thank you so much” I said before taking a huge bite and moaning at the wonderful sugary taste.
“Gosh Zach don’t moan like that or little Dom might come out to play” Dominic said and I punched him on the shoulder.
“Really you pervert” I said as rolled my eyes.
“Zach I will not lie to you I find you very attractive and hearing you moan like that makes me imagine a lot of things that involve that sexy ass of yours” Dominic said with a laugh.
“Keep dreaming. It’s never going to happen” I said as we stopped at a traffic light.
“Don’t be so sure” Dominic whispered in my ear before he licked and sucked on my neck and I couldn’t help the embarrassing sound that left my lips.
I was about to push him when he moved away and kept his focus on the road as if nothing had happened.
I was too embarrassed to say another word and kept quiet.

As soon as he dropped me and headed to school I rushed in before anyone noticed I had been dropped off. I just wanted to get my things and rush to class.
“Ahhh…” I screamed when I felt a hand on my shoulder by my locker.
“Calm down Zach it’s me” Cyrus said.
“Don’t just pop out of nowhere like a psychopath” I said trying to breathe normal again.
“So did you have fun with Dominic?” he asked.
“What do you mean?” I asked a bit puzzled.
“Unless you hit against something I don’t think they could be a better explanation to the hicky on your neck” he said.
“What?” I rushed into the nearest restroom where I tried to look at the bruise. Oh no. I’m so screwed. That asshole did it on purpose.
“Spill” Cyrus said with a smirk.
“He came to pick me up at home and we talked he did this and dropped me at school. Now please conceal this” I begged.
“Sure” he said and as soon as he was done we headed to class. 
The rest of the day was as blur but one thing was for sure. The reason for the smile and tint on my cheeks wasn’t Dylan but Dominic. 

Dominic’s POV

I was still mad when I got up the next morning.
Dylan and I might have been identical twins but we were both different.
We had different styles and interests. We had different hobbies and even liked different kinds of foods. He liked sweet things while I like salty things.
I played with action figures while he played with race cars. He keeps his hair natural while I like to change the color every once in a while.
But we were brothers and we cared for each other and got along very well.... Well that was until last night.
I still couldn’t believe he would say such shit to me.
So what if I have played around a lot in my past. I admit I have had many flings. Maybe a little too many but I wasn’t a total ass.
I never promised anyone love and it was all agreed upon. I never forced anyone to do anything they never wanted to do.
Dylan makes me sound like a total ass. Its true Zach is perfect and deserves the best.
I already know I’m not good enough for Zach but I’m willing to change and be the best for him.
I know it makes me look crazy and possessive but unlike Dylan I don’t want Zach as a friend.

I want him to BE MINE.

I want to be his boyfriend, best friend, lover, comforter all that cliché shit I want it all with Zach. I want him to be completely mine to hold and love.
I left the house extra early not in the mood to see Dylan and I found myself in front of Zach’s house.
I wasn’t sure why I was there but as soon as I saw him I knew I needed him. I forgot all about my problems when he smiled that beautiful smile in my direction.
I have never wanted someone so badly in my life and I’m not going to stop until Zach is completely mine. 

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