Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Dylan ’s POV

I hate to admit it but ever since Zach had this whole makeover I have been feeling strange every time I see him.
I cannot deny that he looks…very attractive. I guess it’s because he has so many girlish features.
He is too pretty for boy like that friend Dominic has who comes over once in a while. I think his name is Beau.
I literally thought he was a girl the first time I saw him and he didn’t appreciate my assumption. Let’s just say we are not the best of friends.
Zach also has pretty hands and now more than ever I have noticed his sexy body which is very much exposed in the way he dresses these days.
Even with his nerdy glasses on he still looks beautiful… I mean handsome.
But admitting he has good looks doesn’t make me gay.
I like Zach. He is my best friend and that’s all I feel for him. Brotherly love.
But now more than ever he seems further away from me. Every time I just want a minute with him he is nowhere to be seen and doesn’t text as much as he used to.
Maybe it’s because I spend a lot of time with Cher because I really feel like I’m losing Zach.

“What’s on your mind?” Cher asked as she leaned closer to me. We were currently cuddling on the couch while watching some soppy romantic movie she begged me to get.
“I was just wondering how I was lucky to get the most beautiful girl in the world” I said and she smiled before leaning forward and kissing me.
“I’m glad you know you are very lucky to have me” she said and this time I initiated the kiss which turned into a make out session.
I’m definitely straight considering how turned on I was making out with Cher. Maybe I could get lucky tonight but I spoke too soon as we heard the front door open.
“Who’s that?” Cher asked.
“Most probably my twin brother” I said as we got comfortable again but I could see Cher’s attention was now elsewhere.
Ever since our little argument Dominic and I haven’t spoken and so I expected him to keep ignoring me as if I didn’t exist.
“What is she doing here?” Dominic shocked me when he asked the question. He looked a bit annoyed as he looked at Cher which was weird because this was the first time they met.
“This is my girlfriend Cherette. Cherette this is my twin brother Dominic” I explained to clear the air.
“It’s great to meet you Dominic. You can call me Cher” she said a little excitement in her tone.
“Can we talk in the kitchen for a second” Dominic said giving me a serious look as before walking ahead.
“Just give me a second baby” I said before kissing her on the lips. I followed Dominic a bit shocked he was acting this way.
“Is that your freaking girlfriend?” he asked with a serious look.
“Yes. That’s why I introduced her as my girlfriend” I said with a hint of sarcasm.
“You have got to be kidding me” he said.
“I’m very serious about her and I don’t appreciate you being rude to her. Have you met her before? Is she one of your flings?” I asked horrified by the thought of going through my brothers leftovers.
“HELL NO. I would never…she’s not my type. Too preppy and hyper” he said looking away and only awkward silence followed.

“I’m sorry about what I said the other day” I broke the silence after a few minutes.
“You don’t have to apologize for the truth” he responded rolling his eyes. He was still mad.
“Zach is my best friend and I really care about him but that’s no excuse for what I said. I went overboard with my words and I’m really sorry” I said.
“Fine. I’m sorry for not being straight with you but the truth is I really like Zach and I would like to date him for real. I’m not planning on playing with his feelings and I’m being genuine. I know how much you care about him and I’m not planning on hurting him intentionally” he said and I was a bit taken back by his words.
Dominic didn’t date. He just played around and never committed.
Now he was telling me he wanted to commit to my best friend. But before I could question any further Cher walked into the kitchen.
“I’m sorry I was getting lonely” she said with a smile.
“I was just going to bed. Goodnight lovebirds” Dominic said before rushing out but I didn’t miss the annoyed look he gave Cher. I wonder why he doesn’t like my girlfriend. 

Dominic’s POV

I woke up the next morning feeling refreshed and excited because I couldn’t wait to see Zach. As soon as I was ready I went into the kitchen to get my juice when I saw a sight that literally put a frown on my face.
Cher was standing there with one of my brother’s shirts on barely covering her thighs. Some would find this sexy but because it was Cher I found it very disgusting.
“Hey baby. Did you sleep well?” she asked as she walked towards me with a sexy smile.
“Cut the bullshit Cher what the hell are you doing here with my brother?” I asked glaring at her but she only laughed in response.
“Why? Are you jealous?” she asked making me even more annoyed.
“You know that’s never going to happen. I rejected you for a reason. Now explain yourself” I said crossing my arms.
“As usual you’re no fun. Anyway what do you expect me to say? You still refuse to be with me and so I decided to get the next best thing and that was your brother” she said with that sickening smile on her face as she stood right in front of me.
“But… you know that my heart will always belong to you” she said as she leaned forward and tried to kiss me but I pushed her away.
“I swear if you hurt my brother I will end you Cherette. Stop this madness now” I lashed out.
“I will only end this when you accept my feelings” she said.
“You are insane if you ever think that’s going to happen” I said before I grabbed my things and left.
I took a deep breath as soon as I was settled in my car.
Imagine how shocked I was when I saw my psychopathic stalker in my house claiming to be my brother’s girlfriend. Like WTH.
I need to find a way to get rid of her without hurting Dylan. As soon as possible. 

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