Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Dominic's POV

With my headphones on I was so focused on the portrait I was working on I didn't notice that Jun stood right behind me until he placed his hand on my shoulder. I almost stroked the paint brush the wrong way because of his sudden action. I ripped off my earphones and glared at him.
"Sorry Dominic I just wanted to tell you the bell rang and its lunch time" he said raising his hands up in surrender.
"Fine. But next time don't pounce on me like a ninja but approach me like a normal person" I said putting my tools away.
"Wow. This time you have outdone yourself. Who's the beauty?" He asked as he admired my painting.
"A guy I haven't been able to get out of my mind" I said as I looked back at the familiar features I only got to see once every week.        
"Hold up. Is that your brother’s friend? The one you've been crushing on" Jun asked.
"I don't have crushes on people, people crush on me. And yes. He is the one" I said with a smile as I admired how good he looked.
"I can see why he caught your attention. He looks absolutely stunning" Jun said and I agreed.
Without even looking at the portrait his forest green eyes hidden behind a pair of glasses and beautiful smile filled my minds vision.

"So why haven't you banged him" Only now did I realize that Stevie was also in the room. As usual he looked like he was from getting that good good with his messy hair and crinkled shirt.
"Because he keeps playing hard to get. I have pulled every move on him but he just won't budge. He still doesn't take me seriously and thinks I'm playing around" I complained.
"Then just drag him into a corner and kiss him. The rest will sort itself out from there. You know how these bxtches become weak when you touch them" Stevie said.
"Zachary would kick me between the legs if I pulled a stunt like that and I still need to secure the future of my children” I said.
Zachary might seem shy and all but I knew he was crazy and sassy. He was the only one who told me off whenever I advanced on him. No one can deny how beautiful he is and I have wanted him since the day Dylan invited him over to stay the night when they became friends.
I just wanted him to be my next conquest but after more than a hundred rejections I have come to realize that he wasn't like my past flings but the main prize. I wanted Zachary to have and to keep.
"The problem is that you have been approaching him the wrong way" Jun said as we headed to the cafeteria.
"How is being straight up with him the wrong way?" I asked him raising my eyebrow.
"Because you're telling him things like you like his ass instead of telling him he is beautiful” Jun said.
"Is that what your sugar daddy said to you?" I asked with a smirk and he snorted and looked away but couldn’t hide the slight tint on his cheek.
"Whatever. I hope the beauty keeps rejecting you" he said rushing ahead to our table.

Emy, Beau and Jepson were already there. Jepson was enjoying his chicken while chatting to his younger brother. As usual Beau was surrounded by admirers who were offering him gifts. If Beau wasn't Lay's younger cousin, I would have definitely tapped that. He was very beautiful and caught a lot of attention which he loved. Jun chased Beau's fan club before we all settled by the table.
"What's on the menu today Beau?" I asked as I looked through the food on the table. One advantage of having a beauty queen at the table was that we never needed to buy lunch. His fans always tried to impress him by showing off their money.
"I made sure your favourites were available today Dom" Beau said with a wink and a smile.
Okay I admit that we may or may not have made out once or twice in the past.
In my defence Beau asked me to teach him how to kiss. He said he would rather lose his first kiss to his favourite senior as compared to a stranger.
I'm glad he got over his crush over me. Now he has his eyes on one of my brother's friends Bruce.
Too bad Jun is never going to make that happen. I still don't understand when and how Jun and Bruce started hating each other.

"No apple juice" I said with a dramatic frown as I looked at Beau who just smiled before clearing his throat.
"I would feel so much better right now if I could have some apple juice" Beau said a bit too loud and in less than a minute we had 10 bottles of apple juice on the table.
"This is why you're my favourite" I said and Beau grinned.
As soon as the final bell rang, I rushed home. Today was a Friday and you know what that means.
Zachary was coming home for a visit and this time I wasn't going to allow him to get away. 

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