Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Cher's POV

I'm so mad. I'm fuming right now.
How could they make a fool out of me.
And that useless excuse of a boyfriend didnt do anything but laugh with them.
Not that I care. He is just a chess piece for my final plan.
Dominic didn't think I was going to make him go that easily.
We belong together and getting me expelled from my previous school isn't going to change that.
Breaking him up with Amelia wasn't so hard considering that stupid jock I was dating was too smitten over me he did everything I told him.
Everything was going well with Dylan until that stupid friend of his decided to get a makeover and divert his attention.
Now Dylan isn't the lovesick puppy he used to be and he refused to go through with my plan.


"I see how their relationship isn't making you happy and I understand"  I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck.
"Lets break them up" I whispered only for him to hear even if we were in an empty classroom.
"What? No. Why would you even suggest that?" Dylan looked at me like I was crazy.
He had no idea.
"Both of us know that Dominic is a player and will never change. As soon as he sleeps with Zachary he will dump him believe me. That's the type of guy he is. I know you care a lot about your best friend and don't want him to get hurt. I'm only thinking about Zach here and you as well. This will totally ruin your friendship with Zach and your relationship with your brother. Why should we let it go on when we can stop it and nobody gets hurt"
He was silent for a while and just when I thought I had finally got him I was very disappointed.

"No. As much as I'm afraid he will break Zachs heart I'm not going to do that to them. They genuinly seem happy and I need to trust Dominic will be serious about this even if I'm uncomfortable"  he said before turning and walking into the cafeteria and I soon followed him and was suprised Dominic and his friends were there today.
But I almost blew up when I saw how cozy the new couple was.
Enjoy it while it still lasts Zachary because I'm definitely going to break you apart from my man.

*Flashback end*

Whatever I didn't need him and I can this myself. He was just a small chess piece I could always sacrifice.
Either way Dominic was either going to be mine or no ones. Those were the only two options I was going to take.

Authors POV

The rest of the day was fun with the crew.
The teachers had a meeting but left class work and so they couldn't leave the school just yet.
When the final bell rang they were happy it was home time.
"Oh no I left my notebook with homework in my locker" Zachary said as he turned around but Dominic stopped him.
Most people had already left including their friends. The couple had taken their sweet time.
"Let me get it for you" Dominic offered.
"How do you my locker combination?" Zachary asked with a serious look.
"I have my ways" Dominic responded with an innocent smile.
"Why did I have to have a psychotic best friend and creepy stalker boyfriend?" Zachary asked.
"Because you're lucky boo" Dominic said with a laugh before rushing into the school leaving Zachary by his car.
30 minutes later Zachary got a little worried and decided to go check up on him but the minute he entered the school halls he froze in shock.
Right before him Dominic had locked lips with Cher.

It seemed like forever but most probably two seconds as he turned and ran out of the building banging the door as he left.
"Zach" he heard Dominic call out but he just needed to get away as he jumped into a taxi and told the driver to leave real quick as he gave him an address.
Zachary couldn't help the tears that fell from his eyes as the image flashed in his mind over and over again.
He said he cared about him. He said he woukd be faithful to him. He said he woukd never hurt him.
Was it all an act? Just to soften him up so that he would sleep with him them leave him? Was he never serious from the beginning?
And out of all people Cherette Savatier. She first took Dylan from him and now Dominic.
Did he not deserve to be happy?
The one time he took a risk and now his heart has been ripped apart in the worst way.
And the said part is that he had fallen so deep for Dominic and it made everything even more devastating.

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