Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Zachary's POV

I woke up the next morning feeling tired. I quickly looked away as the sun blinded me reflecting from the slightly open curtain to my face. I turned away and came face to face with Dylan.
I smiled and like I usually do I admired his handsome features as he slept. Well that was until all the memories from last night had come resurface.


I had my first kiss last night with Freaking Dominic. That idiot stole my first kiss.
I thought about what hard happened and covered my face in shame. I was saving my first kiss for Dylan and now it was all ruined. How can I ever face Dylan again.
I freaking kissed his twin brother and I hate to admit it but I kind of enjoyed it.
It was...nice. It felt good and I didn't want it to end. I no no no Zach no.
He stole your first kiss. It wasn't supposed to happen. I need to get out of here.
I can't face Dylan today even worse Dominic. I feel like I would murder that idiot other than ever wanting to face him again.
I quickly but quietly packed my bag and left the house before any of the twins decided to get up. Things definitely didn't go as planned.
After locking myself and literally ignoring everyone the whole of Saturday, Cyrus decided to break into my house on Sunday afternoon when he had had enough of my attitude.

"You better have a good reason for ignoring me or today is the last day you live" Cyrus screamed making his presence known.
"He's in here Cyrus. Very much alive but I'm not sure if he is well" I heard Celeste say but I didn't dare unravel my blanket cocoon.
"At first I thought maybe you succeeded in seducing Dylan but then the idiot called me asking if I had seen you on Saturday because you just up and left Saturday morning without a word" Cyrus said but I still didn't respond.
Out of nowhere my blanket was pulled and my efforts to keep it on me were in vain as I ended up on the floor with only a T-shirt and boxers.
I decided to fold myself in a fetal position as if to detach myself from the world.
"What is wrong with you. Do you regret seducing Dylan? Is he a sloppy kisser? Was the sex that bad?" Cyrus asked and I swear he had no filter.
"I didn't even get a chance to seduce that idiot considering he spent the whole night out with his girlfriend" I lashed out as I sat up.
" worries. You can still seduce him at school" Cyrus said.
"Yeah. My cousin is an idiot but when he sees your new look he won't be able to resist. Cyrus was right. You look like a total babe. By the way love the new hair color" Celeste said.
"I don't deserve Dylan anymore. I'm tainted now" I said as I buried my face in my hands.
"What do you mean? As far as I know you're too good for Dylan. You refused to kiss any other person but Dylan has been smoothing around all this time" Cyrus said.
"Its all his fault. If he had come home early all this shit wouldn't have happened" I cried out.
"You are not making any sense Zach" Celeste said.
"The plan backfired. Instead of seducing Dylan I attracted Dominic and that stupid idiot stole my first kiss" I cried out.
"WHAT?" they both responded in shock.
"Freaking Dominic kissed me" I screamed.
" was unexpected. But no worries. Mistakes happen. We can just pretend it never happened" Cyrus said.
"Easy for you to say. I can't forget how how it felt, how he looked, close too me when he held me in his arms. The things he said to me as he confessed to me" I said.
"What are you saying Zach?" Celeste asked.
"I can't forget how good it felt when we kissed. I can't get Dominic out of my head now" I confessed and we all shared a troubled look.
What have I gotten myself into?
I like Dylan not Dominic. I cannot start liking Dominic. 

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