Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Dominic’s POV 

I decided to buy some pizza on my way home because our parents were not around and I couldn’t cook to save my life. Dylan wasn’t any better and after sleeping in hospital for food poisoning once was enough for a lifetime. 
No one could smack the smile off my face with the way I was happy. 
It was a spur of the moment decision when I drove over to pick up Zach straight after school. 
The last time we had seen each other he had slapped me for kissing him but in my defense he kept tempting me with the lip biting. 
I didn’t regret kissing him and would definitely do it again even if it hurts in the end. Beau told me, I needed to keep trying until Zach agreed to go out with me. 
He also convinced me to get a new hairstyle to represent a new beginning. The little guy was crazy but I loved him. 
I was shocked when he easily agreed to go on a date with me. I was crazy nervous as well but it all worked out. 
And I got to kiss him again and this time no physical pain followed which I was grateful for. 
He hasn’t agreed to be my boyfriend but at least he agreed to a second date which I will make sure is perfect because I want to be able to call him mine real soon. 

As soon as I got home I got a phone call and smiled when I saw Beau’s photo flash on the screen. 
‘So how did it go?’ he asked as soon as I answered. 
‘Better than planned’ 
‘I told you he would never be able to resist you with that new look’ 
‘And here I was thinking it was because of my charm’ 
‘Strangely you can charm the pants off any male or female but you can’t seem to convince one guy to be your boyfriend’ 
‘Well getting between someone’s legs is easier than getting into someone’s heart’ 
‘Am I speaking to Dominic or Shakespeare?’ 
‘I’m glad this guy is melting that cold heart of yours. I blame Stevie for turning you into the ice King in the first place’ 
‘Stevie will always be Stevie. When he meets the right person he will change as well don’t worry’ 
‘I hope that happens soon. Anyway you’re welcome’ 
‘You’ll see’ Beau giggled before cutting the call. 

I got into the house and found Dylan watching television in the lounge. 
Actually it was more like he was glaring at the screen trying to murder all the movie characters with his eyes. He must be hungry. At least I brought pizza. 
“Hey bro. Got your favorite” I said as he turned to face me as I placed the pizza on the table. 
He didn’t seem happy to see me but looked at the pizza before saying thank you. I went to the kitchen and poured both of us orange juice before heading back and joining him. 
We usually chat a lot and we were pretty close but today he seemed to be in a foul mood and so I decided to keep my mouth shut. 
I didn’t need him to ruin my happy mood and so I gave him space to cool down. He would open up when he was ready. 

After about an hour when we were both full and the current movie finished he finally broke the silence. 
“Why did you come to my school today?” he asked. Oh. So his mad I came to his school and didn’t tell him or talk to him about it.
“I was just picking someone up” I said not looking away from the screen. I hope he didn’t see me with Zach. I knew they were best friends but I wasn’t exactly ready to tell him about my feelings for his friend. Not until Zach was mine. 
“When did you and Zach become that close? Last time I checked you two didn’t get along” he asked and I finally faced him. 
He was angry. Was he mad because I picked up his friend or was he mad because it was Zach? 
“Well we bonded last Friday and just hung out a bit today” I said with an innocent smile and he took a deep breathe. 

“Dominic you know Zach is my best friend. I don’t usually involve myself in your business but don’t do anything funny with Zach. He is not like the whores you’re always with. He is a great guy and deserves an even better person” Dylan said and I tried to suppress my anger. 
“What? Are you trying to say I’m not good enough for Zach?” I asked. 
“We both know the kind of guy you are and so we don’t need to dwell on it” Dylan said and I was shocked by the way he was attacking me. All because this is Zachary we are talking about. 
“So are you what Zach deserves?” I asked. 
“We both know I don’t swing that way unlike you who swings both ways. Look Dominic I’m not trying to fight with you but if your intentions aren’t pure then stay away from Zach” Dylan said with finality. 

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. 
“Whether I just want to be friends with Zach or fxck the living daylights out of him, it’s none of your fxcken business. Zachary is old enough and can do and be with whomever he wants. If you want to control him be his boyfriend. If not then be his friend and don’t try to fxcken control his life or mine” I lashed out before I stood up and left the room before I beat him up. 
Who the hell does he think he is? 
If he doesn’t have the guts to admit his feelings and pursue Zach that’s not my problem and that won’t stop me from getting what I want. 

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