Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

Authors POV

A week passed and things seemed to settle down for a while. Cher seemed to keep her distance but it was mostly because no guy was willing to get with her after the fight.
Tyler apologized to Zachary the next time they met and told him he broke up with Cher. She had lied and said Dylan cheated on her and he would have not had gotten with her if he knew the truth. He wouldn't do that to his team mate and he also apologized to Dylan. 
All the other guys were now scared to even approach her after Tyler spread the word. They also didn't want to get on Dominics bad side after his last display of violence.
People had always been afraid of Dominic in a fight. The reason he wasn't in the same school with Dylan was because he had gotten expelled when he beat up a bunch of idiots who tried to bully his twin. Now he was more calm and less mischievous than he used to be but no one forgot what he was capable of and stayed away.
No one even messed with Zach even though his admirers just seemed to increase though. After the fight it became known throughout the whole school that they were together and so on top of his admirers the Zacnic couple now had fangirls as well who shipped them hardcore.

Zachary smiled when he saw his handsome boyfriend waiting for him by the parking lot.
"Hey beautiful" Dominic said before kissing his smaller boyfriend. They heard a click before breaking apart and hearing some girls giggling nearby before running away. They had obviously taken a picture of the pair kissing.
"Crazy fangirls" Zachary said with a laugh.
"I think it's cute. Can you ask them for all the pictures they take of us?" Dominic asked as they got into the car.
"No need. They actually created a Facebook group for our ship. And the latest picture should be available...there it's up" Zachary said as he turned his phone to Dominic.
"Wow. We look great. Send it to me"
The pair passed by Zacharys house collecting an overnight bag since it was Friday and he was spending the weekend.
"I don't get why everyone has to be there today. Dylan and I have spent fridays together for years. Why break our tradition?"
"First of all Dylan broke that tradition that first night he spent with Cher. Secondly we weren't dating then and so you hanging out with Dylan doesn't make sense to me when I'm also in the house lonely and cold and missing you"
"You can hang out with the other guys or go out. Don't you trust me. I'm not going to do anything with Dylan. You know I love you"
"No way. I trust you but I'm no longer a Casanova and I'm now a committed boyfriend. I used to go out to get laid. Now all I need is you baby" Dominic said causing Zachary to blush.
"Look at it this way. We are starting something new. Instead of one person you get all the people you care about at once. Remember that bitxh left my brother broken hearted and so we all need to help him get over this together"
"I understand and now that you put it that way I guess things will be better from now on since everyone is there" Zachary said as he smiled and held Dominics hand. Hanging out with all his friends sounded like a great idea.

"I thought you said it was just our friend circle" Zachary shouted over the loud music.
"I thought so too" Dominic responded before they spotted one of their friends.
"Stevie what's going on?" Dominic asked after dragging the male outside.
"We decided to invite a few other people"
"A few. This is a full house"
"Hey calm down. The atmosphere was depressing earlier on with Dylan moping around and so I suggested we call a few extra people. I had no idea one text would get this big but no worries we got everything that was needed, packed away valuables and locked the important rooms"
"Where is Dylan?" Zachary asked and Stevie took them back into the house where they found Dylan on the couch making out with twin sisters.
"He seems to be having fun. I guess it's safe for us to join the party" Dominic suggested but then Zachary pulled his face closer leaning close to his ear.
"We could join the party...or...we could have a party of our own your room" Zachary leaned back and looked into his eyes before biting his bottom lip.
"That sounds way better" and after liplocking for a minute Dominic dragged his small boyfriend upstairs to his room.
As soon as the door was locked the couple locked lips initiating a hot make-out session that involved undressing each other here and there.
Completely naked and panting hard Dominic looked right into his lovers eyes.
"Tell me to stop" he was breathless.
"Who said I want you to stop" Zachs words we're the only green light he needed to kiss his boyfriend senseless.

See ya
Never gone my way

Both males groaned in annoyance.

Better will someday
Never far away

"Just ignore it" Zach said pulling Dominics lips back on his.

See ya
Never gone my way
Better on my stay
Never far away
Round and round
And I never know why
Round and round
And it will show us way out
It's my delight

As soon as the ringing phone went silent they finally relaxed into each others bodies.

See ya
Never gone my way

"WTF" Zach swore in annoyance but when he tried to pull Dominic back to the the male leaned back on off him.
"Just answer it. It might be important" he said as he got off the bed and looked through their jeans. Zach was completely distracted by his boyfriends nakedness but snapped back to reality when his phone was placed in his hands.

See ya
Never gone my...

"Hello...yes...WHAT?" Zach sat up in shock causing his boyfriend to get worried. "Okay...what happened...when?... Is she okay...i will be there as soon as possible" he cut the call before rushing to dress up.
"Baby what's wrong?" Dominic asked also dressing up.
"That was my dad. He said mom had an accident and is in hospital right now so I need to take the next flight out"
"It's...9 right now. We can make the 10pm flight"
Zachary looked like he was about to break down when Dominic wrapped his arms around him and kissed him helping him relax.
"Breathe baby. It's going to be alright. I will drive you to the airport. Relax" Dominic said with a reasuring smile.
"Thank you" Zach said before kissing his taller boyfriend. 

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