Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Author’s POV

“Why am I not shocked to see you guys here?” Zachary asked as he entered his living room.
He wonders how they even got time to get to his house and relax when they had left school at the same time.
“Because you know we are your super-duper best friends who will not allow you to go on a date unarmed” Cyrus said as he stood up.
“No offence but you have zero sense of style” Beau said with his usual killer smile.
“I’m just here to see how it all works out for team Zacnic” Emy said.
“Team Zacnic?” Zachary asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Yes. That’s your ship name. You’re welcome. It was totally better than team Zaclan” Beau said and everyone agreed.
“Whatever. The sooner we get over this the sooner I can see Dominic” Zachary said.
“Someone is eager today. I thought you didn’t want anything to do with Dominic” Cyrus said with a devious smirk.
“Honestly…I’m kind of excited. You advised me to open up to Dominic and I think I’m ready for that. I never thought I would say something like this but… I like Dominic” Zachary said as he blushed after his confession.
“WHOOOO HOOOOOO…ZACNIC IS REAL” Beau and Emy screamed in excitement.
“Now let’s make you so hot Dominic won’t be able to keep it in his pants the first hour you meet” Beau said.
“I’m not trying to get laid” Zachary said shaking his head side to side to emphasize his point.
“Why not? I hear sex with Dominic is like heaven and just by looking at his pants you can tell his huge” Cyrus said and Zachary couldn’t believe his best friend was so much of a pervert.
“And you’re lucky Zach because you are the first person he wants to be stable with. All that manly goodness will be all yours so don’t be afraid to claim that sweet hog” Emy said and Zachary turned red in embarrassment.
How can the say all that and talk about Dominic’s… pure thoughts. Zachary told himself trying not to think about how it felt when Dominic was on top of him the first time they kissed. His first kiss.
“Okay. Let’s do this”


Dylan wasn’t in the best of moods.
He was disappointed that Zachary had already made plans over their usual sleepover night and he had no one to blame but himself.
He was the one who broke their tradition first and he couldn’t blame Zach for making plans.
He most probably thought Dylan would be with Cher just like the week before.
Dylan called Cher to see if she was free but she had plans with her friends she couldn’t cancel.
Everyone was busy and this would be the first time in a long time Dylan spend Friday evening all alone and bored as hell.
“How do I look?” Dominic asked as he stood in front of his brother who was watching television.
“You look like me just less handsome” Dylan responded with a smile.
“I’m serious Dy” Dominic said with a pout.
“I’m also serious” Dylan said enjoying annoying his brother.
“I knew asking you was useless. Let me video call Beau” Dominic mumbled leaving a laughing Dylan behind as he headed back to his room.

A few minutes later the doorbell rang.
“Who could that be?” Dylan mumbled as he headed for the door.
His frown turned into a smile when he came face to face with Zachary.
“You changed your mind?” Dylan asked with a bigger smile and Zachary felt bad for what he was about to say.
“Hey Dy. I’m sorry but I’m here to…”
“He is here for me” Dominic cut in as he popped up from behind his brother.
“Hey baby” Dominic said as he kissed Zachary who turned scarlet from the action.
“Hey” Zachary responded before looking away.
“What’s going on?” Dylan asked not very comfortable with the scene playing out before him.
He knew for a while now that his brother was pursuing his best friend but seeing them being like that in front of him made his chest feel tight and constricted.
“We are going out on a date. Don’t stay up” Dominic said before holding Zachary’s hand walking to his car.
Even after they left Dylan still stood on the same spot trying to figure out why he felt like he had lost the most important thing in his life.


“Soooooo…. Where are we going?” Zachary asked curious about their date plans.
“It’s a surprise” Dominic said with a smile.
“I don’t like surprises” Zachary pouted.
“Don’t worry baby. You will be pleasantly surprised” Dominic said giving Zachary one look before focusing back on the road.
Beau had said his makeover would get Dominic all over him but it seemed to be the other way around.
Dominic just looked like a Greek god and Zachary had to distract himself before he had an ‘accident’ in his pants.
Luckily they finally arrived at their destination which was a drive-in outdoor movie theatre.
“Wow. They are still places like this?” Zachary asked in amazement.
He had only seen such a place in old movies but never actually been to one.
“Yes they are. Just too few for people to notice. I know you like classic movies and this place has the best classics” Dominic said.
“How do you know me so well?” Zachary asked with a smile.
“Because I used to eavesdrop on you and my brother. I also stalk you on social media” Dominic said and they both laughed.
Dominic went to buy some snacks and he brought all of Zachary’s favorites.
“You’re spoiling me Dominic”
“You deserve to be spoilt” Dominic responded before he kissed the shorter male.
“I’m going to get a fat ass with the way you are feeding me” Zachary said before taking a bite out of a chocolate bar and moaning at how good it tasted.
“That’s the plan” Dominic said before kissing Zachary again but this time he made sure to grab his ass in the process.
Zachary gasped in shock and Dominic dipped his tongue into his mouth tasting the sweet chocolate as he deepened the kiss.
“Damn baby you definitely taste as good as you look” Dominic said and Zachary pushed him back on his seat.
“Pervert” Zachary said before turning back to the huge screen before them.
He tried to hide his smile but Dominic knew he was happy.
Zachary grinned as soon as Grease started playing on the screen. It was his all-time favorite movie.
Zachary had never imagined how his perfect date would be but being with Dominic at that moment, this was even better than what he could have imagined. 

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