Chapter 32

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Chapter 32



Oh thank goodness baby I have been trying to call you this whole time.

I'm sorry I haven't been able to charge my phone since I left

That's fine. You just called and i feel a little bit better.

I'm sorry I got you worried. I couldn't really focus on anything until I got to the hospital.

How is she? Is your mom okay?

She's fine. Its not as bad as I thought it was. Dad was just being overly dramatic on the phone but she did break her arm from a fall but I'm still yet to get the whole story. I honestly was thinking of the worst. Like fatal car accident, needing surgery or a few hours to live kind of situation.  She is hurt which is terrible but I still can't help but feel relieved that she's alive and will be for a long time.

I'm glad she's fine baby. I feel so much better now that I know it isnt anything serious.

Me too. I'm sorry about having to leave last night in such a rush.

No problem baby. You shouldn't apologize because I would have done the same if someone I cared about was in the hospital or had an emergency.

Thank you for understanding. You're the best boyfriend.

I do my best only for you.

Awwww...I love you

I love you more

Stevie made gagging sounds in the background. Dominic just stuck his tongue out childishly and walking upstairs to his room for some privacy.

I miss you baby

I miss you too

Are you alone?

Yes. I just got back home to take a bath and left everyone else at the hospital.

What are you wearing?

Really Dominic?

What? I'm a hot blooded hormonal teen male. Don't be shocked I have done and plan to do worse.

And sadly I love you

Its a joy to love me now answer the question. What are you wearing?

Ummm...nothing I just have a towel wrapped around my waist.

Take a picture  and send it to me. I want to see you.

Just my face right?

Of course I want to see all of you. Remove the towel as well so that I get a look at every inch of you.

I'm not going to do that.


1 You're a dirty minded perv and 2 this is my dads phone. I can't have him stumbling upon my nudes.

Oh come on. Its your fault for calling me while naked.

I decided to call you before taking a shower you idiot. I had no ulterior motives.

Says the guy calling me naked. Okay fine. At least send me pictures after your shower. Your battery should be a bit full by then. Make sure you put it on the charger.

I put it on the charger as soon as I got home and no, I will not send you nudes.

Oh come on baby. I just want to see your sexy body. If you want I can totally send you mine as well. I could even send a video if you want.

NO I do not want to see a video of your massive dxck.

You like my massive dxck. If I recall correctly you like to suck on it real...


Why baby? I'm just stating facts.

Fine I will send you a picture but of my face.


Before Dominic could complain the call was cut off. Before he could call back a message came in and as promised Zach has sent him a photo...of his face. Dominic couldn't help but smile as he admired the cute photo of his boyfriend sticking out his tongue playfully. A second came in and this time it was a picture of him smilling. Then a video came in.
"I love you Dominic. Even if you're  a crazy perv I will always love you with all my heart" Zach said before making kissy noises.

"He refused to send you nudes didn't he?" Beau said as soon as Dominic went back downstairs.
"And why would you think that Zach would deny me anything?" Dominic responded.
"Because if he did you would still be upstairs jecking off"
"You know me so well little BeBe and of course Zach being Zach would refuse to send me nudes. Can you imagine. I have never had to work this hard for anything before"
"Its called a relationship.  Get used to it boyfriend"  Beau said with a laugh.
"This is why I will never be in a relationship"  Stevie said being his usual self.
"Oh really. So I guess you don't want the number for that cute waiter" Cyrus said slyly.
"Lets not be in such a hurry Cyrus. I meant for now I won't be in a you have that guys number?" Stevie said causing everyone to burst into laughter.
"So is everything okay? Did you find out what exactly happened to his mom" Dylan asked.
"He isn't sure as well but she broke her arm. Other than that she will be fine" Dominic said and everyone was relieved.

"Where have you been?" Dominic asked Jun who was still glaring at Bruce and not even hiding his distaste. Instead of sitting on his lap Beau had to sit next to his boyfriend so that he doesn't aggrevate his cousin. It was still too soon for too much PDA.
"Here and there"
"how's your sugar daddy Brycen? I bet he had locked you up and tied you to his bed these past days because I didn't even get a glimpse of you"
"Maybe. Maybe not" Jun responded with a smirk.
"Oh snap. But I do have one question though? We all know Brycen is way older but..."
"Who tops?"
"Oh this I got to hear" Stevie and Beau said at the same time.
"OH HELL NO. I do not want to know about my older brothers sex life. Jun do not answer that question or I swear I will make your life a living hell" Jepson responded and Emy was also in agreement. Knowing what their brother gets up to behind closed doors was just gross to them.
"Lets just say He likes to receive and I love to give"  

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