Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Dominic's POV

As soon as I opened the front door my brain stopped functioning as all the blood in my body went down south. I already found Zachary damn attractive but he had to pop up looking like sex on legs. How am I supposed to keep my hands to myself? Actually, how I'm I supposed to keep this boner down?
I'm falling deeper into the web that is Zachary Kallis. Tonight, I'm not allowing him to leave until he is mine. I was thankful my twin brother was still out with his new girlfriend which gave me more private time with Zach. I still hadn't met this girl but I was thankful.
Dylan and Zach usually spend every minute together which doesn't give me that much of an opportunity to make my move. But tonight, was the night it would all change. As usual Zachary didn't give me much of his attention as he rushed upstairs. I sat down and planned my approach and soon he was back in the room with a frown.
He must be disappointed Dylan is not yet home. I have noticed the way Zachary brightens up when he is with my brother. How he gazes a little too long. And truthfully, I hate it.
I hate how Dylan ignores his feelings. Does he not see how beautiful and irresistible Zachary is? My brother is an idiot but I'm thankful for that. It gives me a chance to charm Zachary into being mine.

"Hey baby. Disappointed my brother isn't home yet? Don't worry I can keep you company" I said with a smile.
"I would rather eat cucumbers than spend time with an idiot like you. I don't understand why such good looks were wasted on you" he said he walked into the kitchen and I followed him.
“That hurts baby” I said with a pout but immediately smiled.
"But at least I know you find me attractive" I said and he rolled his eyes at me before going through the fridge.
"A beauty on the outside but a beast within. Why aren't you out deflowering some innocent child instead of annoying me?" He asked now facing me with his arms crossed.
"Well, there is a specific flower I would like to see bloom. The other ones don't matter to me anymore. So, what do you say Zach? We can just watch TV" I said and I saw him bite his bottom lip as he considered my offer. If he keeps this up my boner is going to rip through my pants. Why does he have to be extra sexy today? I swear he is seducing me on purpose.
“Fine. But only if you order pizza and apple juice” he said.
“Of course, princess. Anything for you” I said with a grin as I pulled out my phone. I was also thankful to Beau's admirers for the extra apple juice I brought home today.
“Don't call me that. I'm not a girl” he said.
“Okay baby” I said.
“Don't call me that either. I'm not your boyfriend” he said as he disappeared into the lounge.
“Not yet” I said more to myself with a smirk. I will make sure to change that status by tonight.

Soon then pizza arrived and I allowed him to select the movie for the night.
Actually, I didn't even pay attention to the movie but instead watched my own personal reality show that is Zachary Kallis. 
The way he bit his bottom lip. The way he licked his lips after finishing a slice of pizza. The way his eyes crinkled when he laughed at terrible movie jokes. And the beautiful boxed shaped smile that adorned his face throughout the movie.
All so many innocent actions which gave me  not so very innocent reactions. I will definitely need to take a really cold shower soon before I jump on this innocent boy.
At that moment he locked eyes with mine before he looked back at the screen.
"Stop being weird" he said.
"How am I being weird?" I asked with an innocent smile.
"Stop looking at me like a predator and watch the damn movie" he said still keeping his eyes locked to the screen even though both of us knew he wasn't focused anymore.
"Am I not allowed to admire your beauty? I don't understand how my brother can resist someone like
you" I said and he turned to look at me so fast I think he got a whiplash.
"W-wh-what?" He stuttered.
He is so adorable when he stutters. I wish I could just put him in my pocket and keep him forever.
Damn Dominic this is not the time to get trapped by his adorableness.


"Well there's no need denying it now Zach. I know you like my idiot brother...I know how it feels. I always wish you could notice the way I look at you" I said and he looked at everything but me as he bit his bottom lip and fiddled with his fingers. Something I noticed he did when he was nervous.
"W-what do y-you mean?" He stuttered and I had to hold myself back from hugging him. He was just too cute.
"I mean that I wished you looked at me the way you look at Dylan. I know it looks like I'm always playing around but I actually like you Zach" I said and his eyes looked like they were about to pop out. Too cute.
"S-stop playing Dominic" he said looking away as he stood but I pulled him back and pinned him to the couch.
Hands above his head as I hovered over him.  I decided to just be honest with him.
"I've never been more serious in my life Zach. At first I admit that I just wanted to fxck you, but in my attempt to make you my next conquest I got to know you better and falling for you wasn't part of the plan but it happened" I said as I gazed into his eyes.
"Is that what you tell all your targets to get into their pants?" He asked but I could see his resolve was crumbling.
"No. Because your the first and only one who seems to be creeping into my heart... You're beautiful and I think you are the most gorgeous man in the world. I love the way you smile and the way your eyes turn into crescents is so cute. The way you laugh is music to my ears. The way you push your glasses back into place every once in a while. The way you bite your lip when you are thinking deeply just makes me want to...kiss you" I said and at that moment he subconsciously bit his bottom lip and I couldn't help myself.
When I felt his soft lips against mine I was literally on cloud nine.
It was...different.
It was nice, soft, sweet. It was slow but felt amazing. There was nothing sexual about it and I felt like we had just connected at an emotional level I have never felt before in my life.

Is this love?

I pulled back and gazed into his eyes and to my surprise he wrapped his now free hands around my neck and pulled me in for another kiss.
I wrapped one arm around his waist pulling him up as I sat up and he straddled my thighs.
This time it was faster and soon it turned into an open mouth kiss and as I took control, he moaned.
Okay. Now it was turning sexual. Too bad he broke the kiss a little too soon.
Before I could say another word I felt a sting on my left cheek and Zach pushed away from me.
"Fxck you Dominic Modesto that was my first kiss you just stole you asshole" he lashed before grabbing his things and rushing upstairs.

What the hell just happened? 

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