Chapter 41

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Chapter 41

Zachary opened his eyes and was shocked by the two familiar faces right in front of him.
"Mom? Dad?" He whispered and hated the way his throat hurt. His mother then gave him some water to moisten his dry throat soothing the pain a bit.
"Yes baby its us" 
"Why are you here? Mom aren't you injured?" 
"I'm feeling much better now and of course we would come. As soon as your sister told us you were in the hospital we were on the next flight out. We arrived about 3 hours ago" before he could respond to his mom the doctor walked in.
"Good morning Zachary. How are you feeling?" The doctor asked as his parents made way for him.
"Just tired, weak and have a very sore throat" Zachary said.
"You are very lucky. The people around you acted fast and got most of the poison out of your system. If they didn't do that you wouldn't have survived an hour.  Also you didn't get much internal damage and so a sore tummy and throat will be all you suffer from for about 2 weeks. You will have to take a liquid diet until we are sure your stomach is healed and you can handle it. Just take your medication and get some rest. You will be fine" the doctor said before walking out.

"Dude you almost gave me a heart attack" Zoey said as she threw herself on Zachary as she hugged him, "I was so worried about you. Do not do that again" she raised her head and gave him a serious look. 
"I promise I wont"
"And don't worry about that psycho b*tch..."
"Language" her dad cut her off giving his daughter a stern look.
"I mean crazy girl. Don't worry about her because she has been arrested. Apparently more charges of assault popped up and so she might be locked away for a long time since she is over 18. With attempted murder added on her profile she can't run away like she did in the past because she was a minor" 
"That's great news" Zachary responded with a smile.
Everyone got to chat with Zachary a bit before they all left. Dominic finally stood up from the chair at the corner of the room.
Zachary smiled when he could finally see his boyfriend but he frowned when he saw how terrible he looked.
"Zach... I'm sorry I..."
"NO" he cut him off knowing what he wanted to say.
"No one could have predicted what happened and at least now she is completely out of our lives and the state prisons problem now. It's not your fault. I don't want an apology from you. I want you to kiss me because... at the moment I thought I was going to... die... it broke my heart that I might never see you again... so no blame or self hatred Dominic. I need you now more than ever so please kiss me and show me how much you love me and will never let me go" and Zachary got his wish as Dominic covered his lips with his own a second later. Just a gentle kiss.
"I love you" Dominic said as he hugged him and held his boyfriend close.
"I love you more" Zachary said as he smiled before they kissed again.   

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