Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Authors POV

It was two weeks later and as usual Dominic was dropping off Zachary at school.
"See you in a little bit" Dominic said after they kissed and Zachary had dropped off.
"Idiot" Zachary said as soon as Dominic left.
"We are only going to see each other after school" He mumbled to himself hating that he still had about 7 hours before he could see his boyfriend again.
Zachary blushed thinking how great his first ever relationship was working out so well.
He had always imagined that one day he would finally confess to Dylan and they would date but the universe had other plans. 
But Zachary was far from disappointed. Things turned out better than he had imagined.
He was so wrong about Dominic. Yes. He used to be a player but he was also sweet, romantic, protective and a really, really , REALLY good kisser.
He was a good listener and never forced Zach to do anything je didn't want to do.
He was understanding, funny and adventurous. He was so much more but Zachary would need to write a whole novel with a part two and three just to describe how great Dominic was.
"Day dreaming about your boyfriend?" Cyrus's words brought Zachary to reality and he blushed.
" was thinking about our history test today" he covered up.
"Damn it. I forgot about that test" Cyrus said frustrated.
"It's so unlike you to forget about a test considering you're an A+ student" Zachary said as he got his books from his locker and they headed to class.
"Well if you have a superhot boyfriend you spent the whole weekend with you tend to forget about trivial things" Cyrus said with a smile obviously fantasising about Jepson.
"Wow someone call the doctor. Cyrus Jacobs just called education a trivial thing" Zachary said with a laugh.
"I have nothinv to worry about. I know you studied and so I will be sitting next to you" Cyrus said.
"I'm not fond of cheating on a test" Zachary said as they settled on their seats.
"Should I remind you of that junior high science incident?" Cyrus said with a smirk.
"I said I'm not fond of cheating. This isn't cheating its sharing information. Now lets not talk about things that didn't happen" Zachary said horrified Cyrus even brought it up. It just made his best friend burst into laughter.

The test was on their last period before lunch and because the two geniuses finished early they went for lunch early.
As soon as the bell rang Bruce joined the pair.
"I hope I'm not too late" Zachary felt an arm drape on his shoulder as he turned and for sure his boyfriend was sitting next to him.
He turned and noticed Beau was not sitting next to Bruce across from them with Emy on his other side.
Jepson was sitting next to Cyrus and Stevie sat on a table with popular girls obviously taking advantage of the fresh hunting ground.
"What are you guys doing here?" Zachary asked still in shock.
"Who cares as long as they are here" Cyrus said before smooching his boyfriend in hapiness.
"Yeah. I thought you would be happy to see me" Dominic said with a pout.
"I am...happy to see you. I'm just worried that...are you guys skipping school?" I asked hiding my blush.
"Its sports day at school and since we aren't participating in anything we left early. Don't worry we won't be missed" Dominic said with a smile that always damaged his boyfriends insides.
"Aren't you scared you will get kicked out by the teachers or worse the principle?" Zachary asked.
"Don't worry. I can just pretend to be Dylan. Beau can seduce his way out of the situation. Emy can be that student whise offended the teachers don't remember him or pretend to be new" Dominic said with confidence.
"I thought you would be the one seducing his way out" Zachary said with a laugh.
"Well...I heard the new principle Mrs Hwang is hot so I wouldn't mind...ouch" Dominic rubbed his shoulder where Zachary had punched him but they all just ended up laughing.

"So what's for lunch?" Emy asked.
"Dylan isn't here yet. He is the one who usually buys lunch" Zachary said with a pout realising how hungry he was.
"I guess its time to use your superpowers Beau" Emy said.
Zachary and Cyrus gave them a puzzled look but then he explained that Beaus beauty can get them anything and so its his superpower.
"Actually lets test Zach. I would like to see what my masterpiece can get us" Beau said with a smirk and Zach immediately said no.
"I'm not as beautiful as Beau" he defended.
"I very much disagree with that and between the two of you..." Dominic said and leaned back to check out Zacharys backside to emphasize his point " have the hottest body I have even seen"
"You have no idea how much I wish for a waist and ass like yours Zach. I could never fill up jeans as well as you do" Beau said making Zachary blush even more.
"Fine. What do I have to do?" Zachary responded and Beau gave him the simple instructions.

"I'm soooo thirsty today. I would really go for some apple juice right now" Zachary said a little too loud.
Before 60 seconds were over they had more than enough drinks on the table.
"Oh shit I can't believe that worked. What do I do now?" Zach whispered in shock.
"Just thank your fans, smile and wave" Dominic whispered back and Zachary did just that.
"Isn't that taking advantage of them though?" Zachary asked.
"No its not. Your fans want you to be happy and that makes them happy especially if it was them who put a smile on your face. Even if they can't have you just this small act is satisfying to them" Beau said opening his juice.
Zachary opened his own and took a sip before moaning in happiness at the refreshing beverage.
When he opened his eyes he noticed one of the guys watching him with a smile on his face. He figured it was the guys juice he had picked.
At that moment Dylan and Cher joined the gang but they didn't ask too many questions.  The couple seemed unhappy about something and so they all assumed they got into a fight.

"What's up?" Dylan asked breaking the tension.
"Zachary is using his beauty to get us lunch. His fans brought us all this juice but now we need food" Bruce was starving and his stomach growled making Beau chuckle.
"Its my turn now" Dominic said with a smirk.
"This isn't even your school. How will it work?" Cyrus asked with a smile.
"Don't underestimate me" he cleared his throat, "Gosh I'm so hungry I could eat a whole cow" Dominic said out loud and two minutes later the table was filled with goodies. Some girl even gave them a whole cake.
"Wow. Your superpower is too powerful" Zachary said with a laugh before digging in with the others.
"Superpower my ass. Anyone can do that" Cher said not touching any food.
"Well then show us princess" Cyrus dared her with a smirk.
"Fine. I'm so thirsty. I could really use some orange juice right now" Cher said but a minute passed with no reaction.
"I SAID I COULD REALLY USE SOME ORANGE JUICE RIGHT NOW" she said a little too loud. Actually it was extra loud.
"THEN GO BUY ONE" a guy shouted from the other end of the cafeteria.
The whole table burst into laughter causing Cher to storm out of the cafeteria in anger.
"Zach I didn't realise you had such a big fanclub now. Doesn't it make you uncomfortable?" Dylan said before asking Dominic.
"Not worried at all It took years for me to get into his mouth I'm not worried about another guy getting into his pants anytime soon. That's my area" Dominic said with confidence.
"Ewww..." Zachary responded pushing his boyfriends arm on him.
"What? Don't pretend you don't like how I kiss you. You're my boyfriend now and I am not going to deny how much I'm sexually attracted to you and want to bone you" Dominic said like it was the most normal thing to say in public and causing Zachary to turn red while the whole table burst into laughter. Well almost the whole table.

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