chapter forty one

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041: i'll never lose you

I finished up the last bit of reports from the incident as Hange hovered behind me, her injuries recovering slowly but surely. She had an ever present smile as I handed her the folder to deliver to Erwin. 

The giggle I tried to hold back didn't succeed as she marveled at the setting outside. The red carpet, the stage set up and the gathering people, it's as if everything was in chime and the subtle threat to the walls breaking down because of a huge titan yesterday didn't happen. The coronation would set to happen later in the afternoon.

"Are you sure you're not coming along with me?" she tutted.

I shook my head, smile small as I leaned back, sighing. "I'm gonna wait for Levi." I answered, summoning a sneaky look on the woman's face as she straightened her glasses.

"Oh?" her voice was chipper, clearly teasing. "What's this? I thought you'd rather leave that man dead if you had the chance to?" she drew herself closer, as if inspecting my face for any sort of crumble. Well, it was a good thing I had come to master the art of hiding any form of reaction. My cheeks felt warm but I shook my head to divert her attention. 

"That man can't even die, Hange. Literally. We both know that." I answered.

She picked up on the change in my tone. "Still doesn't explain the sudden waiting for him." she hummed, picking on a stray strand of my hair... followed by  dramatic gasp. "Don't tell me... you've turn lovesick over your Captain!" Hange exclaimed and I desperately tried to quiet her down by shoving a hand over her mouth to silence her, still mindful of her injury. 

"What the fuck are you talking about me being lovesick!" the bite I had was empty as she purposefully ignored my statement. 

"And here I thought you were going to hate each others guts for lifetime. Well it's a good thing I don't have to play matchmaker, this is gonna make everything easier for us!" she smiled and I deadpanned at her antics. 

"You're making a big deal out of this!" I answered in monotone. 

"Am I really?" she quipped, voice even more teasing than ever. "Where the hell is Levi anyways?" 

It brought relief to me that she diverted from the topic by her own accord. I sighed before sitting down and adjusting the collars of the green coat uniform. "He's following up on the underground chapel investigation of the Reiss family chapel. Probably also to see if that geezer Kenny managed to make it out alive." I shrugged watching her eyebrows raise as if she had remembered. 

"Right." she paused before breathing out. "Well, since you're so adamant on waiting for him, I guess I'll leave you be." she teased, winking on her way out and all I could do was roll my eyes at her but I couldn't stop the smile threatening to break.

It was about two hours that passed when Captain Levi's arrival was announced by one of the younger cadets. I nodded in thanks and after I finished fixing up the papers I reviewed, I was about to head out to meet him and ask about the investigation but the door to the office had already turn and Levi's figure walked in.

My eyes glowed but I tried to stay neutral at this, masking myself in utter nonchalance. "Welcome back, Captain. How was the investigation?" I asked. "No other survivors from the damage?" I inquired. 

"None." he answered quick. "There was a serum thought, something they meant to used. Already submitted the report so you can read the details on it." he continued and I was about to reply with a nod but then there seemed to be something else on his mind. 

Normally, I would say I had gotten a good grip of Levi's traits. Admittedly, sometimes, I would have hard time reading into his mind, but right now, as his eyes gleamed in puzzle, I stopped, mindfully of the somber reflection in his gaze.

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