chapter forty nine

940 42 21

049:  gracious goodbye

This was just like the raid at Utgard Castle. 

I wasn't there when it happened, but, based on the reports, it had sounded just like this. They were surrounded then too, and eventually most had fallen to their demise. Multiple two to three meters were approaching. Everyone was alert, the adrenaline was apparent.

I needed to think.

Their primary goal, as always, is capturing Eren. They'll probably go after the horses first, so our chances of escaping are eliminated. Now, with Wall Maria deep in Titan territory, we'll have no means to retreat without the horses. This will severe our supply lines and block our escape.

The sting from earlier came again. 

And even if we don't retreat, it'll only take a week or so until no one from the corps can move. Without any risk of battle, they can simply swipe in and take Eren from us, once everyone is too weak to resist. We couldn't let them slaughter our horses unchecked.

The huge titans that remain to circle around the perimeter was proof that they plan to cage us in. We had to do something, we had no other choice but to fight. 

"Commander! The Armored Titan is close!" Armin reports. "And we still don't know where Bertholdt is!"

Ah, that's giving me a headache too. 

Erwin straightens, Levi cocks his eyebrows. "Are you finally ready to say something?" he points. "I could've had breakfast during the wait."

It was at least good to know that his spirit of sarcasm didn't die. 

"Squad Dirk and Squad Marlene, Protect the horses at the gate with Squad Klaus!" The commander orders, "Squad Levi and Squad Hange, Take down the Armored Titan! Employ the Thunder Spears at your own discretion! Achieve your objectives, whatever it takes!" 

Everything was about to get interesting. 

"This moment! This battle! The survival of humanity depends on it! Once more, for humanity, give your hearts!" 

A small step for us, a giant leap for man kind.

I unsheathed my sword once more, ready to bolt but Erwin steps in front of me, before I could follow Levi's steps. "Wait, Levi, Y/n, Armin." he turns to look at my Captain. "I did say Squad Levi, but I need you to stay, Levi, Y/n." 

"To protect the horses and not Eren?" Levi asks.

That had made me cock my head to the side. This was the first time, on a high stake expedition, that I wasn't going to be on first guard to safekeep Eren. Somehow, that made me uneasy. Perhaps I was just too accustomed to the boy, perhaps it was an instinct, still I convinced myself that it needed to come to this. 

Erwin points a sharp blade towards the huge monkey. "Thats right, and to strike him down when the chance comes."

What an eerie looking Titan. How ugly is its face. I wonder what the human inside that beast looked like. It's so hairy that I couldn't stop my face from contorting into disgust.

"You two are the only one I can entrust to take on the Beast Titan."  

Levi's face is absolute of any emotion.

"Understood. Since I failed to kill the armored brat earlier, I'll make up for it with the Beast Titan's head."

I laughed. "Ah, I'm jealous Hange gets to use those thunder spears, I wanted to knock a Titan out with it."

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