chapter six

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006: little midget

The morning sun evaded my line of vision for the shortest while. My hands were occupied with a shit load of papers, weighing them down my stomach as I sighed. The hallway towards the superior's office seemed to be a bit desolated than the usual but maybe that was because the day was coming to an end.

Fatigue overcame by body, like a flu slowly overcoming my senses but I had to hold myself back until late evening to be able to rest, specially since I was sure that Levi would never let a moment of me slacking off during office hours pass by his captain radar.

For the past two years of being a soldier of the survey corps, things had actually taken a turn for me.

Although climbing the ranks was a bit easier than anticipated, Levi had always managed to make it a bit of a ride with his antics and never-ending motivation to make everything a living shit for me, but aside from that it wasn't as bad as I had thought it would be.

It took at least 3 months for me to have earned my spot as a member of the special operations squad, having to prove myself worthy of being called a Survey Corps Scout and besides Levi who was hell bent and adamant on giving me hard time, the rest of the team was actually nicer than the first meeting we had.

Eld was majorly a sweetheart, he was ultimately friendly as well despite looking so stoic and stiff. Gunther was assertive but that had always helped and he was kind. Petra, well her image had always spoken for herself—kind, a bit soft spoken but she was definitely a strong soldier. Olou, although his personality was a bit of a rear, with his parading arrogance and seemingly goal to copy Levi was actually tolerable and responsible.

They were soldiers but they were also kind people who made my experience a lot more leisurely than one could be and frankly, I looked up to them too, much as how they had to me as well, despite me being a so called outcast. They praised my skills and acknowledged my strength, even Levi. Though my relationship with the Captain didn't improve much with all the subtle snarky remarks we gave one another, which he replied through giving me extra more cleaning duty and washing works, Levi was actually a pretty decent Captain. He took note of my skills and would give me backhanded compliments once or twice a month. Nevertheless, it didn't change the fact he was an asshole who made me do all the extra work when he deemed it necessary.

The huge oak doors that led inside Commander Erwin's office opened wide. I didn't even bother to knock as my hands were occupied with the papers Levi had ordered me to deliver to the superior's, despite it being his own job. Fuck that little midget.

Erwin looked relatively surprise. His face relaxed when he noticed me, sighing as he put a hand to prop his head up.

"Has no one ever told you to knock first and wait for your commander to let you in?" He asked, using that tone of authority, acting as if he was about to get mad.

I deadpanned at his attempt. "Please save that facade of yours for the others. I don't need anymore of that for the rest of the day if that's even possible" I muttered, moving towards him and not breaking eye contact.

The blonde chuckled lowly, breaking away his calculating demeanor as he rested his back against the head of his chair.

"You always amuse me"

"I don't even try" I frowned, setting down the numerous folders and papers by his desk, which was already occupied with a hundred more paperwork that I could only assume he had yet to finish.

Over the time I had spent over the Recon Corps, Erwin was actually one of those people who made it tolerable too. Well, Hange was also there but she's of a different topic. My connection with the Commander was a bit more easy going than most, which even often led to people speculating me as his long lost daughter as we had actually shared a lot of moments together. He was stoic and stiff but beyond that he was actually a very well mannered person. And if I could put a description on how our relationship had flourished, he was like a faint father figure who I could rely on and vent whenever Levi was being his usual, bastard, self.

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