Nothing To Fear - Chapter 27

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'Kristoff Bjorgman?' Elsa asked kinda dumbly, with her one eyebrow raised.

'Yes, is it that hard to remember? Do I need to write it down for you?' Pitch said, it sounded sarcastic and angry at the same time.

Elsa formed an icicle in her hands and threw it at Pitch, but missed him.

'Don't you fuc*ing sass on me!' She yelled to him.

That made him angry, so he reached for his gun and almost shoot her.

Luckily, she formed an ice shield and bullet just fell miserably.

'Okay, now when our argument is over, we can finally talk.' Pitch said to her.

Elsa nodded her head and glared at him.

'Why do you need him dead?' Elsa asked once again.

'Do you really need to know?'

'I don't take peoples lives without a reason. If there is no point in a joke, why would I tell it?'

'Good point. He is a leader of another mafia that almost ruined mine. I need you to kill him, so my mafia can be the biggest in this city. Oh, and this is his photo.'

Pitch said and threw Kristoff's photo in front of her. He had a big nose and blonde hair. That's all Elsa could memorise.

'Hm, what do I get?' Elsa asked with a smirk.

She hoped for a really big amount of money.

But, Pitch was smarter: 'You see, I am trying to save money, so I am giving you two choices. In first choice, you can save your sisters life-'

'WHAT?!' Elsa shouted to him.

How he kidnapped Anna in less of an hour?

Is this some kind of an inside job?

'-and your second choice is to save everyone else in The Bulding. Jack, Merida, Rapunzel... You know how it goes.' Pitch said with a smirk.

Elsa stood looking blankly at him.

He left her no choice...

'But, those people are in that building only for tonight, how am I suppoused to kill Bjorgman in one night?' She asked.

He chuckled and said to her with satisfaction in his eyes: 'You see, they aren't here only for the night.'

'How do you know?' She said with one raised eyebrow.

'Well, I am not dumb. You, out of all people, should know that.'

'Get to the point, I am not in the mood for your games!' Elsa said yelling at him.

'Raising your voice won't help. So, currently my other helpers are lockind down all exits they can find. And one of them is placing bombs. When she is done, she will send me a message and then you have exactly five hours to find and kill Bjorgman. When you do that, you can choose who will die.' Pitch said to her.

She was looking at him with her eyes widened.

'You can't make me choose!' She shouted at him.

'Oh Elsie...' He said and started to get closer to her.

When he was close enough, he stroked her cheek and said softly: '... I already did.'

Then he started laughing like a maniac.

Elsas had enough. She formed an icicle and was about to hit him hard with it, but something, no, someone stopped her.

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