The New Man - Chapter 20

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'You are what?!' Anna whisper-yelled.
'Shhh, Eugene may hear you.' Rapunzel put her index finger on her lips.
'Okay okay, I will keep quiet... Does anyone now?'
'No, just you and me.'

Then Eugene walked in, with the rest of them.
'Okay, time to go.' Eugene clapped his hands and they all left.

In the taxi

Jack was playing with Elsa's hair. He twirled it around his finger and took so many selfies with her hair on top of his mouth, like the strands of it were mustaches.
'Jack stop it! You are acting like a child.' Elsa said to him, taking her hair from his hands.
'Oh come on... I just want to look hot with mustache.'

Elsa laughed while rolling with her eyes.
'But... I am hot enough.' Jack said with a smirk.

All of them laughed.

In the agency

'Guys, we started a few weeks ago and we don't have NOTHING.' Merida said, dramaticlly throwing her hands in the air.
'Yeah, not even a clue...' Anna said.
'Wait, didn't Hans told you something Anna?' Hicupp asked.

They all stared at him with confusion.
'I know it had something to do with winter and some kind of blessing...' He said and scratched the back of his neck.
'Uhm, I think I know what you mean.' Eugene said and with a hand under his chin.
'It's something like Winter had her blessing...' Elsa started.
'... And now it's the time for us to have ours .' Jack finished.

They were thinking and thinking, but they couldn't figure it out.
'Oh girls, are you ready for The Cristmas Carol ? We have four days left.' Rapunzel said with a smile.
'I totally forgot...' Elsa said.
'Me and Eugene are coming if alchohol is coming.' Merida said and they high-fived each other.

Rapunzel rolled her eyes, knowing that she is not joking.

They get drunk every year and then she needs to take care of him in the next morning.

Then, her cell phone vibrated. She got a message. Her eyes widened as she read it.

Eugene noticed it and asked her: 'What is wrong, babe?'

She slowly raised her head: 'We forgot my parents on the airplane.'
'Holy sh*t! Guys we need to go. Call us if anything happens.'

They quickly put on their coats and left.
'Well, I am going to take a walk.' Anna said and stood up.
'Anybody wants to join?'
'I think I will go.' Jack said and put his jacket on.

He was wearing a leather jacket, though it was winter. He never plays by the rules and doesn't care about other people opinion.
'I am guessing I will be leaving soon. I haven't been in a gym for years.' Merida said.
'And I will be joining Anna and Jack. Sounds fun.' Hicupp said and he took his phone.
'What about you Els?' Merida asked.
'I don't know... I will try to figure out that message. You guys go and have fun.'

They all nodded and left.

While she was alone, Elsa thought about Jack and their relationship. She wanted him so bad, but the past was eating her. Her brain was giving her all painful memories, how her parents were murdered, how Jack left her, how Hans betrayed Anna... There was a tone of images.
'You are Elsa, right? I think that we didn't met before.'

Her thoughts were interrupted by an elder man, with a cane. He reached out his right hand. His grey eyes were filled with warmth and kindnes. He had a brown and yellow suit and a small hat on his grey hair.
'Yes, and you are?'


Another cliffhanger ^^
I know that you guys wanted an update soo here you go (':
I don't have that much to say in this A/N ....
Sorry for any grammar mistakes or misspellings.

* Awwthings out *

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