Love Your Perfect Imperfections - Chapter 18

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Attention: In this chapter, it's going to be a little more... ahm... sexy I guess? xd

So, if you wanna be all inocent then just don't read it (':

But I put that PG-13 because of a goddamn reason.

I'm a pervert.

Merida was sleeping thight. Dreaming about ice cream and playing video games with Hicupp. It may sound weird for you, but it was paradise for her.

Across her bed, Astrid was dreaming too. A dream about a boy with brown hair and green eyes, kissing her with passion. No doubt, it was Hicupp. She was smiling widely. Then, her dream was ruined. She heard Merida talking in her sleep: 'I want more! Give me more Hic!'

Astrid gasped. She was thinking that Merida is having a wild sex dream with him. Well, no way she is going to let her dreaming about her man!She quickly got up from her bed and took a can. Then she filled it with cold water and took some ice from the fridge. She slowly came to her bed and throw ice cold water all over her face. Merida woke up and screamed. Astrid was on the floor, laughing. Merida got up and looked at Astrid: 'I cannot believe that you did that...'

'Well, guess what? I did it!'

Then, Hicupp barged into their bedroom with panic all over his face: 'Are you guys okay?! I heard a scream and... Merida what happened?' He ran towards her.

Astrid was still laughing so hard, while Merida was sitting on the corner of her bed.

'It was nothing Hic, forget about it.'

Merida said while shaking. Hicupp came closer and sat beside her. His hands around her shoulders.

'Forget about it?! You are cold as ice! What happened?'

'Astrid threw cold water with ice on me...'

'And it was awesome!' Astrid yelled from the floor.

Hicupp got up and looked at Astrid, with strong anger in his eyes.

'Why would you do that?'

'I don't know... For fun I guess.'

'Fun? Fun?! You think that throwing ice cold water on people is fun! This is not ALS ice bucket challenge goddamit! You think hurting somebody is fun?! You changed. A lot. Come on Mer, you are sleeping in my room tonight.'

Hicupp said and took her hand. Astrid just stood there in shock. She didn't know what to say. Then she heard a lock noise. She was all alone in their apartment. She moved to her, a little tear forming in her eyes. Hicupp's words were the only thing that she could hear.

'I am sorry.' She whispered to her pillow, grabbing it with her fist.

She didn't care for Merida, she just wanted Hicupp back.

'I can't believe she did that... Here Mer, take this blanket.' Hicupp gave her a large, soft, green blanket.

Merida sat on the edge of his bed and cover up with it. She took her hair drier with her and started to dry her hair.

'I am gonna take a shower. Then you can take it, alright?'

'I already got a shower... remember?'

Hicupp chuckled and took a step closer to her.

'Astrid is not like that, she just feel... I don't know how.'

'She is acting like a total bi*ch since she got here.'

'Well, your behaviour isn't a sugared fairy like.'

'I know, but at least I don't throw water on people.'

He smirked to her and stroked her hair. It was all curly again.

'You know what thing I love on you the most?'

'Wow... you actually have the favourite thing on me?'


'Tell me what?' She smirked to him.

'Your hair.' He said and kissed the top of her hair.

Merida smiled and asked him: 'Why? I hate it now...'

'Hate is a strong word, you know? I love it in this way, because it's more cuddly and I could lay on it for hours.' Then he put his face on her hair and rubbed it against.

'I also love the way you bite your lip everytime you are bored, how you always start to jump when you beat me in a game and don't get me started how happy I am when I see that sparkle in your eyes whenever you catch a glimpse of my eyes.'

She giggled, then she put her hand on his neck and draw his head right in front of her.

'Do you know what I like about you the most?'

'My muscles?' Then he did his eyebrows wiggle, causing her to laugh.

'What muscles?'

Hicupp made a puppy-face and Merida put her hand back around his neck. She stroked his hair and his hands were around her waist. They looked deep in each other's eyes.

'I love your skin. It's so smooth and soft.' Then she took his hands and rubbed her cheeks against it. Hicupp stroke her cheeks and placed his fingers on hers. They were holding hands.

'I honestly didn't believe you when you said that you saw me bored. Whenever I am with you, I couldn't get bored. You are funny and interesting... I could list all of the things, but it would last forever.'

She raised her head and Hicupp moved closer. Their foreheads were touching.

'I think I am in love with you.' Merida whispered.

Hicupp leaned in and kissed her passionately. She responded, obviously. They were kissing really hard now. Her ass was on Hicupp's thighs now. Her hands were all over his hair. While his hands were on her back, pulling her closer to him. She started to kiss his neck, when he let out a moan. Then she moved back to his mouth. She bite his lip softly and then they pulled away.

Then he said with a grin on his face: 'I think I am madly in love with you.'



Well, this was fun :D

I hope you guys like this chapter... I wanted to be all Mericupp.

Don't ask why.

AAANNNDDD I have a question for you guys!

I wanted to make a new fanfiction, it would be in a Highschool of course.

Ships for it;

Jelsa (Jack/Elsa)

Mericupp (Merida/Hicupp)

Eugenzel (Eugene/Rapunzel)

Willet (Wilbur/Violet)

Dedith (Dash/Edith)

Kristianna (Kristoff/Anna)

Soo message me if you have any ideas, or if you want for me to even write it xd

Sorry if there was any grammar problems or misspellings.

I just hate them.

*Awwthings out*

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