Dreams Come True - Chapter 13

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'In which mall are we going?' Anna asked and then she entered train in the subway

'The one with Game stop, duh...' Hicupp said.

'I know a place for us.' Rapunzel smiled.

Through that whole ride, Elsa just sat and did nothing. She was stressed-out about this whole case and she wanted to catch Pitch and not spend her precious time in malls.

'Is something wrong, Els?' 

She heard a familiar voice. It was Merida. (A/N I bet you thought it was Jack.)

'Everything is fine Mer. Why aren't you talking to Hicupp?' 

'He is to bussy talking on the phone with that Astrid girl.' Merida said and frustratedly sat down next to Elsa.

She had her elbows on her knees and her hands were removing her red hair while she looked down to the floor.

'You like him, don't you?' Elsa smirked to her.

'Whaa... No! Where did you heard that?' Merida faked a laugh.

Eugene heard that and rolled his eyes.

'It is soo obvious. I am sure that he likes you back, he just don't want to confess that. You know, Hicupp thinks that girls are complicated, but the truth is that he just don't want to know us better and you need to show him that we are simple, human being. Got that?' 

Merida removed her elbows from her knees, smiled and looked to Elsa and said: 'Yes, I think I got it.' 

Then Elsa smiled back to her and said: 'Good, now go to him I think that he is over with the talk.'

Merida thanked Elsa and walked to Hicupp.

'Uh, we will be there in 2 minutes.' Rapunzel said and they all nodded.

After 5 minutes

'This place is so big...' Anna gasped while looking at the mall.

'I know right! It is Manhattan Mall and I always shop here.' Rapunzel said full of pride.

'So, I am going to Game Stop, who's with me?' Eugene asked and Hicupp and Merida raised ther hands.

'Typical... Anna you are coming with me?' Rapunzel turned to Anna.

'Of course, Elsa are you going with us?' 

'No, you guys go. I will just find a Starbucks because I really need coffee.' 

'I will go with you!' Jack said to her.

'Alright, but you need to meet with us later to find you some new clothes.' Anna waved to Elsa.

'I want one medium sized Salted Caramel Mocha Frappuccino to go and Iced Lemone Pound Cake. And can you write Quote of the day on frappuccino?'

Jack was giving his order to the waitress.

'I can, and for your girlfriend?'

Jack's cheeks burned and Elsa had a blush too, but she hide it with a smile. They shared glances and Elsa spoke: 'We are not in relationship.'

'Ahh to bad, you two are cute together... And tell me your order.'

'Wow... ahm... thank you? But I will just have Oatmeal Cookie and Iced Coffee with milk to go.'

'Okay, here you go. That will be 10 dollars.' 

Elsa reached to her wallet, but Jack said to her: 'My treat.' And smiled.

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