The Case - Chapter 4

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'So, what are you telling us is that you knew Elsa?' Eugene asked Jack curiously.
'Yes, when we were kids.' Jack answered with guilt in his eyes.
'That is, like, soo cute!' Rapunzel was screaming at the moment.
'Ok guys, we don't have time for talking about the old stuff. We have a fricking badass case to work on. Come on, let's get down to it.' Merida stopped the talk and sat down. Everyone else followed. 
'Tell us, why are we here and what is the case.' Hans got straight to the point.
'Alright, are you familiar with masive kidnapping of children all over the USA? Well, our agency wanted the 4 of you from Miami to help us. Apparently, you are the best in your field.'  
Jack started to explain them the situation to them.
'Oh stop it, I'm going to blush...' Anna started to giggle. Jack just gave her a smirk and Hans didn't like it.
'And who is the main suspect?' Elsa started being serious.
'You all know Pitch Black, right? The CEO of Black Technology ?' Eugene asked them.
They all nodded.
'We were thinking of him, since he has the latest technology. Heck, we even have computers from him.' Merida added.
'But, why would he kidnnap children? I mean, what is they use?' Hans asked.
'We believe that he uses them for his own desires. Because we noticed that all of the children, that were kidnnaped, corpses have signs of insomania and they were all covered with rare black sand that could be found only in Greece island of Santorini. And he ordered it few weeks ago' Rapunzel told them.
'Ok and when will we start with investigation?' Elsa asked.
'Tommorow, after we show you your new apartments and give you a little tour around New York. So, where is your luggage?' Jack asked them.
'The receptionst left them behind her desk.' Hicupp answered.
'Let's just go get it.' Elsa said and rushed through the door. She couldn't face Jack after what he had done to her. She knows it had passed more than 10 years, but she couldn't forgive him.
They took their luggage, and all of them were in front of the agency.
'Were are we going to stay?' Anna said cheerfully.
'All agents live in the same bulding. So we can meet each other and talk.' Rapunzel said happily.
'And what is the name of the building?' Hicupp asked.
'Empire State Building, of course.' Merida answered in 'duh' tone.
'OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! ELSA DID YOU HEARD THAT?' Anna screamed like a teenage girl seeing Harry Styles.
'Yey.' Elsa said in not-so-happy tone.
'What's wrong Snow Queen? Afraid of heights?' Hans spoke to Elsa like she is a little girl.
'No you jerk! I just don't like the idea of living with him.' She pointed at Jack.
'Would you just stop it! For a love of God it happened 10 years ago. Can you just get over it?' Jack yelled at her.
'No, until you don't explain it to me, I won't.' Elsa just shrugged with her shoulders.
'Fine, I will explain it in your hotel room, okay? Now can we just go to subway to take us to the Building? I am really tired and I bet that you are tired too.Jack said and they all nodded.
'Alright, and Hans don't you ever ever dare to call me that.'

In the Building

They all left their luggage in their bedrooms. Hans and Anna share a bedroom, just like Rapunzel and Eugene. Hicupp got a bedroom just across Meridas and Elsa is next to Jack.
Then all of them met in the main hall.
'Do you guys like your apartments?' Eugene asked.
'Yeah, they are all great.' Elsa answered to that question.
'Okay I was thinking that we go to a new restaurant. I think it is called Buvette.' Merida just aksed, beacuse she was very hungry and she couldn't resist to try French cuisine.
'That sounds good. I'm in.' Jack said and then all of them join.
So they went to their room and dressed nice. Then the taxi came and all of them got in.

Sooo it's finally here - chapter 4 *-*
And do not worry guys, there is Hanna at the beggining but it will end up with Kristianna. Probably, we will se.
But this is a Jelsa Fnafic so ... xd
Sorry if my grammar is bad, but I will try my best to do it better :D
AAAANNNNDDD I can't forget to say this - all of these places I mentioned in this chapter are real places in New York so you guys need to give me credit for that. I tried hard this time. 
Anyways, sorry if my updates are slow but I am trying my best <3
Thanks for reading my story :*
*Awwthings out*

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