You Can't Trust Anyone - Chapter 5

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All of them were ready to get in their cabs when suddenly Hans grabbed his pocket and said: 

'Fu*k, I forgot my wallet. You guys go, I will come later, when I find it.'

'But this is your first time here, how are you going to find the restaurant?' Merida asked him and raised her eyebrow.

'I think I can take care of that, I am not that dumb.'

'Yeah, right...' Elsa sarcastically replied.

'Elsa please..' Anna said to her, she finds it really annoying how her sister treats her boyfriend. They never liked each other for no reason.

'Alright, then we will meet there.' Eugene said to break the awkward silence.

'Okay, me, Eugene and Anna will go with this cab. Elsa, Jack, Merida and Hicupp can go with the other cab.' Rapunzel said to others.

'Okay, see you in the restaurant.' Elsa waved to them.

In the cab

'Did you guys ever been in that reastaurant?' Hicupp asked.

'Nope, I just heard that it is French restaurant and I just wanted to eat some salmon.' Merida answered from the front seat.

'You like fish?' Hicupp asked.

'Yep, it is like my favourite food. Any meat, in fact.' Merida said. Then she started to light a cigarette, but the taxi driver stopped her, saying that it is not allowed to smoke here. She wanted to yell at him until she realised that he is driving, so she kept her mouth shut.

'You still didn't tell me why you dissapeared 11 years ago.' Elsa said to Jack, still not making any eye contact with him.

'I was supposed to tell you tonight. After the dinner. Just tell me your room number and I will come to your apartment.' Jack replied to her, looking at her hair. It was still beautiful just as he remembers. 

'It is the room next to yours, dumbass.' Elsa said with her 'duh' tone. It was very similiar to Meridas, but Meridas was a little more funnier with her Scotish accent.

'Alright, we are here.' Taxi driver said.

They paid him and left the cab. Anna, Rapunzel and Eugene were waiting for them right by the enterance. It was cold, beacuse it was winter so they all wore thick jackets. Except Elsa and Jack, they didn't care about the winter. It never bothered them.

In the restaurant

'Oo can we go to this table?' Anna was jumping around one big table.

'Anna! This one is better! It's right next to the chocolate bar!' Rapunzel screamed to Anna.

All of the guests looked at them weirdly. Like they were some crazy girls who just have seen Channing Tatum shirtless.

'OMFG YES! Everybody just go to Rapunzels table.' Anna directed them to Rapunzel.

They all sat down and then the waiter came.

'Good evening. Tonight I am going to be your waiter and may you tell me your orders?'

'Salmon with eggs.' Merida said happily.

'Steak and potatoes, please.' Hicupp added.

'Pork chops.' Eugene said.

'Really Eugene? Really?' Rapunzel said with her eyebrow raising.

'What? I am hungry as fu*k.' Eugene replied her.

'Oh God... I will just have a salad.' Rapunzel said to the waiter, a little bit ashamed because of Eugenes behaviour. He is a bad boy and she love him because of that, but sometimes she is sick of it.

'Chocolate cake, please.' Anna added.

'You can't eat that for dinner. Choose something else.' Elsa said with her strict voice. She is always taking care of her sister and Anna finds it annoying sometimes.

'Ah okay, I will ask just for a soup.' Anna said, admitting defeat from Elsa.

'That is more like it. Just some chicken, please.' Elsa said to the waiter and he nodded, writting it down.

'And for me, a sausage.' Jack added and the waiter walked away.

'Oh and guys, Toothiana will joining us. She just has some paperwork.' Jack said to them and tjey all nodded.

'And who is Toothiana?' Hicupp asked curiously.

'My girlfriend. She doesn't live with me though...' Jack answered to him.

'That is nice. Oh crap, we forgot to order for Hans. Were is he anyways?' Anna said with a little bit of panicking.

'I am sure that he fell in to the traffic jam. That happens a lot here.' Merida said trying to calm Anna down.

'Oh well if you say so.' Anna said, but she didn't feel convinced.

In apartment

Hans was alone in his apartment, sitting on his bed. Suddenly, he heard knocking so he got up and unlocked the door.

'Did they see you?' Hans asked while looking left then right in the hall.

'No, they don't have a clue.' Toothiana answered with a smirk.

'Good.' He pulled her by her waist and then started to kiss her. She didn't resist. They stopped, and Hans started talking:

'So, do you have it?'

'Yes, they don't know what it's going to happen.' 

'Alright my dear, the master will be happy.'

They were just standing in the room with their evil laughing.



Heii my readers (:

Hope you like this chapter... 

Sooo HANS AND TOOTHIANA! You didn't have a clue. :D

I wonder how they ship name would be: Hoothiana, Hooth or maybe Tans. IDK

In the next chapter there will be some Jelsa and a little Mericupp action <3

Anyway, sorry for any grammar issues. I suck at it xd

*Awwthings out* 

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