Secrets - Chaper 19

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Elsa and Jack were in her apartment, laying on her bed and looking on the celling.

Her fingers were moving up and down on her bed sheets. She was thinking about what she said earlier.

How she felt his body against hers, his hands around her waist... Shivers move down from her shoulders and she formed a little smile.

Jack was right next to her, his face didn't show any emotions. He was to busy thinking about earlier. How he wanted to go back in time, 10 years ago, and tell te other him not to let her go. But it was immposible.

A long silence was between them. They could only hear each other's breaths. Cold and long breaths.
'So...' Jack started the conversation.

He turned his head to Elsa. Elsa turned her whole body and head to Jack. She put her hands under her head for support.

'What now?' She whispered.
'I just can't figure it out... You know, why did you run after me? Didn't you hate me?'
'I didn't hate you. I just didn't like you.' She said and he chuckled a bit.
'Why did you change your mind all of sudden?' He started to stroke her cheek, their faces only inches away.
'You really want to know?'
'Well, duh...'
'It's because of blue.'

He raised his one eyebrow, because he did not understand her reason.
'Blue is a color. Not a reason.'

She giggled and looked at him with her big blue eyes.
'Well, for a long time, my favourite color was grey. Just because it is a color that doesn't show any emotions, almost like me. And then, I saw you again and it all came back to me. Our fun moments that I didn't want to forget. I want our moments back, Jack.'

She took his hands and hold them thight. Her eyes were locked on their fingers. Small tear of joy was in his eyes. He slowly moved their hands to his lips and kissed Elsa's hand.

'I want you back, Elsa.'

Elsa pulled him in a hug. His hands were around her back, while hers were around his neck. He started to kiss her neck and she let out a small moan. He moved up with his lips and started to kiss her passionately. She couldn't resist.

In the morning 

Merida woke up on top of Hicupp. Her head was on his chest, while one of her legs was spread around his hips. His hand was on her thighs and the other one was around her neck.

She slowly removed his hands and sat on the edge of the bed.

She streched her arms and let out a sigh. Then she felt Hicupp's arms around her waist. He whispered in her ear:
'Morning, my lady.' His lips were gently kissing her shoulder.

She closed her eyes in pleasure. Merida moved Hicupp's head towards her lips and give him a peck. 'Morning to you, too.'

She stood up and walked towards the doors.
'Merida, wait.' Hicupp took her hand.
'I need to know, are we in a relationship or...'
'We could be friends with benefits for now.'
'But only for now.' Hicupp said and pulled her by her waist and kissed her. She winked at him and left his apartment.

When she arived, Astrid was sitting on the couch, with her arms and legs crossed.
'You two had sex didn't you?' Astrid said with her angry face.
'No, but we could. I just want him to wait.' She said back with a smirk.
'Now listen to me, you little who*e.' Astrid stood up and walked towards her with threathing tone.
'I don't know who do you think you are, but if you dare to even touch Hicupp, I am going to make you a new assho*e.' Astrid yelled to Merida.
'Oh darling, what do you think, was I really hurt when you throw that little bowl of water on me? I have 3 brothers, water wakeing was just a slow morning for me! And if you think that I am going to back off, you are very wrong.' Merida calmly said to her.
'Now excuse me, I need to take shower. Hicupp just made me sweat all night.' Merida said with a smirk.

Astrid boiled with anger. But she will not give up.

Elsa and Jack, in the other hand, were sitting on her bed, still thinking about last night.
'Before I go to my apartment, can you answer me one more question?'
'What question?' She put her head on his shoulders.
'Why did you say blue?'

Elsa chuckled and looked at his eyes.
'Because one wise man once said; You know that you are falling for someone when colour of their eyes is your new favourite colour.'

He giggled and kissed her.

Before he left, Jack leaned and whispered to her ear: 'I love you.'

Elsa's heart started to beat fast. She put her arms around his neck, her eyes locked on his. Then she whispered: 'I love you more.'

He stroke her check and kissed her nose before he left.

Rapunzel, Eugene and Anna were waiting for them.
'Where are they, we are suppoused to meet in this hall at goddamn 9 o'clock. It's 10!' Eugene nervously yelled.
'Eugene, calm yourself. Go and drink some water, it will help you.'

Anna said to him.

'I need something much stronger than water...'
'No you don't! Just go and take a glass of water.'
'Fine! But it's not going to help.' And then he left, leaving Anna and Rapunzel alone.

Rapunzel was quiet all this time. She looked a bit sad. Or like she was keeping a secret.
'Rap, are you alright? You seem a little nervous.'
'Who, me? No, no everything is cool.'
'You know that you are a bad actor?' Anna said to her.

Rapunzel let out a heavy sigh.
'Who am I kidding? Nothing is okay.' Rapunzel started crying.
'What's wrong?' Anna hugged her and left Rap's head to lean on her shoulder.
'Can you keep a secret?'
'I am taking this one to the grave.'

Rapunzel whispered: 'I am pregnant.'


Awwthings is back, bit*hes!
And I must say thank you for almost 4k reads!
It means a lot ^^
Then I am sorry for this long waited update.
But I am not sorry for this cliffhanger :*
AAAAANNNNDDDD I am sorry for any grammar mistakes or misspellings because this is my FIRST chapter that I wrote without Google Translator.... because if you didn't notice, english is not my maternal language :D

*Awwthings out*

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