The Answer - Chapter 24

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The Christmas Carol Event

The room was filled with a lot of people. Agents, officers, detectives and the others from Pixneyworks company were here. You could drink, dance, eat and more!

Merida and Eugene were filling themselves up with their good old friend - Mr. Alcohol.

'Wanna some wine, Eug?' Merida said while giggling like crazy.

'WINE not?' Then they burst into laughing.

Rapunzel was not very proud of him. He could behave himself, at least in front of her parents.  

She was so embarassed of him, but she decided to enjoy the night with her parents and get to know her co-workers a little more better. 

She was chatting with Mavis, until she noticed that Anna didn't come. She decided to call her.

'Hello?' Rapunzel heard Annas voice through her phone.

'Hey Ann! Are you coming? There are some cute guys down here...' 

'Nah, I am not in the mood.'

'You say what?! Honey, you were soo excited!'

'Yeah... I am just not into it anymore.'

'Bulls*it, I am coming to your apartment and when I get there, you are going to dress up, I am going to make you a hairstyle and who knows, maybe at the end of the night - you might get pregnant!'

'Are you trying to make me your clone?'

'Love you too, see you in 3 minutes.'

Anna hang up and waited for Rapunzel in her bedroom. She didn't feel happy at all. She just wanted to put on her pajamas, make herself some popcorn and watch some good movies on Netflix. 

Meanwhile, Elsa and Jack were making a smalltalk. Later on, Jack decided to join Merida and Eugenes party and Elsa sat with Hicupp on the balcony.

'Hey.' Elsa greeted him.

'I thought you are with Jack.'

'Yeah, well, he joined Eugene and Meridas drinking game.'

'Pf, Merida and her bad life. I mean, she smokes, drinks and I wouldn't be suprised if I see her with medical marijuana.' He emphsized medical.

'You care, huh?' 

'A little too much.' They both turned and saw Astrid.

'What do you want?' Hicupp said to her, in clear annoyance.

'Nothing, just came here to admire the view.' She said while walking slowly to the edge of the balcony.

'I better go find Punzie or Anna. See you guys.' Elsa said while standing up.

She walked of and left Hicupp and Astrid alone on the balcony. Astrid turned around and saw Hicupp, angry obviously. He seemed upset, because he constantly tapped against the marbel floor with his feet. The sound iritated Astrid, so she started talking.

'It is a beautiful night, isn't it?' 

'Look, I am not in the mood.'

'What is wrong with you?! I just asked you a single thing!' Astrid raised her voice.

Hicupp stood up and just walked of, like nothing happened. 
I could just stay in my bedroom where is safe and calm and I can't get hurt. He thought.

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