I Feel The Love, Feel The Love - Chapter 10

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'So, what do you wanna talk about?' Elsa said and sat on Jacks bed.

'I want to know about your past. I said my to you, now it's your turn.' He smiled to her.

'Wow, I didn't see that coming. Well, me and Anna were happy kids, until our parents died. They were murdered while we were in the house. In the morning, I was just about to walk in the bathroom to take a shower and then I saw it. My mother drowned in the bathtub. I just stood there in shock...' Her eyes were watery, she sobbed so hard. Jack put her head on his shoulder and caressed through her hair.

'Then I heard Annas scream from the kitchen. I ran to her and then I saw my father, hanging from chandelier. (A/N don't you dare sing Chandelier - Sia . Like, seriously dude, something is wrong with you.) I called the police and they were in our house in about 5 minutes. Killer didn't left a clue. Me and Anna were put up for adoption. We were adopted by a nice guy, named Olaf. We lived in an apartment near that playground where we met. When you didn't shove up that day, I was devastated. I shut people out, except Anna and Olaf. Then, I graduated in New York, moved to Miami with Anna and Hans. We got a job as agents and got Hicupp as a partner. And that is pretty much, my whole story.' Elsa said and remove her head from Jacks shoulder.

'Sh, sh, don't cry. Everything is going to be better. Now, you have me, Merida, Rapunzel and Eugene to be with you. There is nothing to be afraid of.' He wiped a tear from her cheek. 'Don't live in the past, today is the biggest gift and that is why we call it present.' He said to her, and she smiled.

'I love when you do that.' Jack said.

'Do what?'


Elsas cheeks burned. She felt like she is falling for him, again. And she was afraid of that.


'Oh mah Lord! Anna did you heard that?!' Rapunzel whisper-yelled.

'Yes I did! Some Elack action...'

'Didn't we said they it will be called Jelsa?'

'Sorry, mistake.'

'Don't you guys have better things to do instead of eavesdrop Jack and Elsa?' Eugene asked.

He was forced to go with them.

'Hey, you can go to Hicupps room and play games with them.' Anna said, while trying to put her eye near the keyhole to see them.

'Nah uh, I will not interupt them.'

'And why not?' Rapunzel turned to him.

'Because they two are my ship. You heard me! I have my own ships.' Eugene whisper-yelled to them.

'Then hurry and eavesdrop them! Now, excuse me, I need to return to Jack and Elsa.' Rapunzel said and crossed her arms.

'Fine!' Then he just moved one step to the left and pressed his ear against Hicupp's door.

In his apartment

'I cannot believe that you brought your Playstation with you!' Merida jumped because of happiness.

'Yeah, but I was stupid enough that I forgot to take any games for it.'

'I got GTA IV, Batman Arkham Asylum, Heavy Rain, Infamous, Beyond: Two Souls... Want me to continue?'

'No need, I played all of them, except Beyond: Two Souls. Bring that one.'

'Neither do I. I think that is one-player game.'

'So what? I think it's a game with chapters, we will divide by that. Come on, go to your apartment while I set the Playstation.' Hicupp orderd and she nodded.

'Can you please order pizza while I'm out? I am really starving.' Merida asked and he grabbed his phone. He ordered one medium with extra cheese.

Merida opened the door and who she saw? Eugene dropped right in front of her.

'What are you doing?! You almost fell on me!' Merida yelled to him.

'Mer? Is all alright?' Hicupp asked while plugging in the Playstation.

'Yes, I just hit my foot!' Merida told him.

'I am so sorry, I just leaned back on the door. I didn't eavesdrop on you two.' Then he faked a smile to her.

'Alright, and what are you two doing?' She said to Rapunzel and Anna which were having their ears pressed on Jacks apartment doors.

'Shh Merida, we don't hear them because of you and Eugene.' Anna said to her.

'I don't want to ask what is happening.' Merida said and went to her apartment, took the game and ran of. She came to Hicupps apartment and showed him the game.

'It looks awesome. Come on, the pizza will get here in 15 minutes.'

'Great, because I would eat anything... Do you mid if I smoke?'

'Of course I mind! Mer, it's bad for your health.'

'Can you please stop giving me lectures! Fine, I won't smoke.'

'Finally, something smart from you.' He whispered that to himself.

In the hall

'Can we please go to our bedroom, Blondie? I am so tired and I need sleep!' Eugene said to her.

'Well, fine! Anna I am out, we will spy them tomorrow.'

'I am tired too, see you guys in the morning!' She waved at them and then went to her room.

'Hey guys, do you know were Hans is?' Anna asked before she closed her apartment doors.

'Uhmm...' They shared glances and then Rapunzel said to her: 'We don't know. You will probably see him in the morning.' Then they faked a smile.

'Oh, alright then. Night!'

'Night!' They said in union.

They both went in their apartment and Eugene leaned on the door and sighed: 'That was close!'

'You don't say! I hope that she will understand.'

'Me too... Wanna take a shower?'

'Only if you go with me.' She smirked to him.

'Oh I see! Come here!'

And they both laughed and ran into the bathroom.



Hello there guys :D

I am soo happy, we hit 200+ reads today! *hard fangirling*

I hope you like Jelsa moment... I almost added a kiss, but I felt evil today .

Aaaand I know excatly when and where are they going to kiss and belive me, there will be feels <3

I'm again sorry if there are any grammar mistakes or misspellings /:

'till next time (:

*Awwthings out*

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