Anna Knows New Secret - Chapter 22

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At the airport

There was a huge rush at the airport. Everybody was running and yelling names of other people.

People with a lot of luggage and bags were all over the place. Rapunzel and Eugene were waiting for Rapunzels parents, they were flying from Germany just to see them for Christmas.

'God, there is so many people. I hate it...' Eugene said and pulled out a flask, filled with vodka.

'Eugene?! Stop it! If guards see you, we might get in trouble.' She whisper yelled to him.

'Fu*k them, they can't do anything to me.'

'But I can.' Then she took the flask out of his hands and throw it in the garbage can.

He watched it and totally freaked out: 'Why in the fu*k did you throw my flask?!'

'Because you need to stay sober for this! Please Eugene, I'm begging you. Can you do this?' 

She put her hands on his chest and looked him deeply in his eyes and whispered: 'For me?'

He put his arms around her waist and smiled to her: 'Fine, but I am getting waisted for that Christmas party...'

She got on her toes and kissed his cheek.

'Flight 26 from Germany is landing. I repeat, flight 26 from Germany is landing.'

Rapunzel clapped her hands and said excitedly: 'Oh, it's their flight! Come on, sweetie.'

She took his hand and they were going towards the doors from which her parents were about to come.

Old bearded man came with a long brown raincoat and by his side was his wife, brunette with a white trench coat and a purse. The man was caring some smaller luggage.

'Momma! Papa!' Rapunzel shouted as she ran towards them and hugged them very thightly.

'Punzie-munzie!' Her dad said making her uncomfortable.

She pulled of from that hug and said: 'We are so glad that you are here! Where is the rest of your luggage?' 

'Here it is.' Eugene pointed to the luggage he was caring.

'Hi Eugene!' Rapunzels mom hugged him and he hugged her back.

After they pulled out, her dad came and gave him a strong handshake: 'Hello there son!' 

'Well, we should get going to The Building.' Rapunzel said and they all got in taxi.

At The Central Park

Anna, Jack and Hiccup were walking and laughing through the park, when suddenly snow started to fall.

Jack lookd up to the sky and said with a very long grin: 'You guys now what time it is?'

Hiccup looked on his phone: 'Half past five.'

'Merida has full right calling you an idiot.' Anna said to him, rolling her eyes.

'He asked!' And then, Hiccup felt a snowball hitting his face.

'Snowball fight time!' Jack shouted as he was preparing more snowballs.

'Oh, I see now.' Hiccup said with a smirk and throw one snowball at Anna.

They were having fun like little kids, when they saw Merida walking through the park and not even noticing them.

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