Unexpected Things - Chapter 15

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In the agency

Merida was leaning on her arms, while her elbows were on the table. Her straight hair was falling down on her face. Hicupp was staring at her, still amazed by her make-over. It was so strange for him. Rapunzel was sitting next to Merida and she was trying to catch agency's wi-fi. Eugene was still eating his sandwich. Elsa was looking through the window, with a serious expresion on her face. She had her poker face on, so no one could figure it out about what she was thinking. And she was thinking about him. Everytime a snowflake would land on the glass, she would remember his snow-white hair. When she looks up to the sky, the only thing that she can see are his blue eyes. If she looks down, she hears children laugh and remember how childish he is and his boyish laugh. Jack was next to her, but he was not looking through the window... Oh no, he was amazed by something more beautiful than winter. Elsa. Her hair. Her eyes. Her lips, oh he wanted to touch her lips badly with his, but he couldn't. He must conceal it and stop feeling. Because, the saddest feeling in this world isn't loneliness, it's when you are thinking about one person but you know that this person isn't thinking about you. Jack was afraid of that. If he only knew why is Elsa looking through that window... Their thoughts were interupted by Eugene, with his mouth full of food:'You know guys, we could just ask Hans.'

'About what?' Merida lifted her head and looked to Eugene.

'You know, the meeting...'

'Ahh, I totally forgot about that.'

'Then you call me a dumbass.' Hicupp said and rolled his eyes.

Merida stared at him with her death glare.

'Calm down, I don't want be the one who is going to clean after you guys.' Jack said and pointed to them.

They both glared at each other.

'Alright, where is Hans? I will ask him.' Anna stood up and said.

'Oh no, you are going to kill that poor bastard.' Rapunzel said to her.

'Trust me, I can deal with him.'

'Okay, let's get to it.'  Elsa said and walked to the doors.

In the interview rooms

They all walked in the interrogation room, behind the mirror. Hans was sitting in the room and waited for someone to walk in. Suprisingly, he had a smile on his face. Like he was innocent or something.

Then Anna walked in, and his smile dropped. He stood up and started to walk backwards to the corner.



She started to walk towards him. Her evil grin and her deadly eyes were on Hans. He was terrified, his legs were shaking and his breathing was heavy.

'C-can I get someone else?' 

His hands touched the corner.

She laughed at his questions and simply answered: 'No.'

He was kneeling down and his almost watery eyes were locked on Anna's. She took his chin up with her finger. He was facing her, still heavy breathing. She looked at his eyes: 'Oh Hans, you need to stop being such a drama queen. Now, close your eyes.'


She out a finger on his mouth: 'Shh, just do it.'

He nodded and closed them. She winked at the mirror and passionately kissed him. She moaned, but everybody (except Hans) knew that she was faking. When they finished, Hans smiled to her and Anna winked to him. 

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