Ruined by Your Words (Mad Mike x Actor Mark)

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(Inspired by iamvegorott's Medieval!AU (they're on tumblr))
Trigger Warning: Arranged marriage; talk of forcing marriage; lying
Pairing(s): Mad Mike x Actor Mark
Characters: Mad Mike and Actor Mark (The Jims, Yandere, and Yancy are mentioned)
Summary: Mike and Actor were supposed to be together forever, both of them nearly inseparable. Now, they aren't exactly like that anymore.

Mike stormed into the throne room, an angry and upset look on his face. One of Actor's advisors just told him about the king's soon to be marriage. He was planning on stopping it.

Actor sat up the second his lover came in, his crown falling off his head slightly. He has been avoiding the jester lately, which saddened him. "Mike, I've been meaning to speak with-" He was cut off by the blue-haired male.

"Save it! When were you going to tell me about you getting married!?" The jester may of been dumb but he wasn't that dumb. "What happened to us being a thing!? Did that mean nothing to you!?"

The king frowned as he bit his lip. "I.... I was going to tell you, but the marriage between Yandere and Jackie went south. Yandere is marrying another prince from another kingdom, and in order for me to still have Jackie's kingdom's benefits, I needed to give myself up to the kingdom.... I'm sorry."

Mike growled. "So it really didn't mean anything," The jester trailed off, eyes full of sadness as he looked down.

"Baby, that's not what I-" The king was cut off once again.

"Save it! I'm leaving." Mike bowed before he left, officially leaving the king alone in his own despair.

Sunrise after sunrise, day after day, sunset after sunset, the kingdom grew colder and colder. The jester and the king have not spoken since their argument.

Mike spent his days in his room, away from the the king's staff and the king himself. He didn't leave for days. Other castle workers tried to get him out, and he refused, even when the king asked for his presence.

Why should he go out and pretend nothing ever happened? Why should he put on a smile and act as happy as ever? Why should he leave and walk the halls owned by someone who claimed to love him only to betray him and marry someone else behind his back?

While the jester stayed away in his room, the king spent most of his days in the throne room.

Unlike normal, Actor was being surprisingly kind to his villagers' problems. He didn't yell as much and send people away. In fact, he let a prisoner by the name of Yancy free from his sentence.

He even let the twins, CJ and RJ get away with their spell shenanigans. Normally, he scolds them and goes on about how they are ruining the kingdom's reputation.

People thought thought the king was being kinder, but in reality, he didn't care. He now knew how his daughter felt and did care? No, he deserved this for forcing Yandere's hand in marriage.

Things would of been nicer if Mike was by his side. But of course, the jester didn't leave his room and spoke to him since their talk. He even requested to speak with his lover, and every person he sent came back with "he isn't feeling well" or "he refused to come out."

He could just enter the jester's room, but he knew forcing the other to see him wasn't going to do any good. It would just make things worse because Mike needed his space.

With Mike not by his side and dealing with boring king things, Actor's only source of entertainment was counting down the the days until the wedding, until he was married, until he and Mike would never have a chance to be together.

The days apart turned into weeks, weeks turned into months, and those months turned into half a year. The day of the wedding arrived faster than the two thought.

Mike originally didn't want to come. He rather spend his time in his room and not see Actor marry some woman he has never meant, but he changed his mind. He dawned upon him that this might be his last chance to be with Actor before he was married away.

Quickly, he put on the best formal wear he had. The jester reality didn't own any formal clothes as he normally wore a jester's outfit, but he found something that would suffice.

In the end, he chose to wear a light blue vest with white buttons along with a light pink bowtie and a white dress shirt to match. He only owned black dress pants, so those would have to do.

He fixed his bowtie and left his room, a pass to let him in was carried in his hand. The king normally wouldn't private events such as this, but his soon-to-be-wife suggested it, and he went with it.

The jester arrived in the ballroom and guards stood by the hall he was entering through. They more than likely were making sure someone wasn't sneaking their way in that way.

He quickly handed him the invitation and off he went. The ballroom was rather crowded, so finding the king was going to be a chore.

The jester sighed and went to step into the crowd when he suddenly tugged to the side. He looked to see who it was.

"Sorry for being a bit unprofessional. I saw you and didn't want to talk before.... You know, we have no chance of being together," The king informed with a sad smile on his face.

Mike nodded and hugged his "close friend" tightly, burying his face in the crook of Actor's neck. He wished the marriage wouldn't have happened, but there was nothing he could do to change that fate. "I missed you so much," He admitted. "I'm sorry for getting angry with you. I just-.... I trusted you, and you went off and arranged a marriage with someone else."

Actor bit his lip. He was conflicted. The kingdom's benefits were nice, but were they worth losing Mike for? "I understand, I should of said something or at least warned you of my plans. Instead, I done them on my own."

Mike nodded. He agreed with what the king said. "Do you.... Do you think you can call it off? Like, possibly say you changed your mind?" He didn't want to lose the one he loved, to an arrange marriage no less. He knew Actor wasn't going to love the woman back, and if he had to sit there and let them be together it would hurt him more than anything else.

Actor bit his lip even more. He was happy Mike couldn't see his face. "I can see what I can do, but I can't promise anything," He paused as he quickly pulled away from Mike. "For now, go and enjoy the party while it lasts, at least for my sake."

Actor smiled sweetly and waved goodbye. He waited for Mike to leave before the smile dropped. The king knew it was too late. Plans have been made and pulling out of them now was the worst idea, but he couldn't tell Mike that. For now, Mike would have to live with a lie.

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