Down with the Sickness (Schneeplebro)

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Trigger Warning: Coughing; Illness
Pairing(s): Schneeplebro (Henrik x Chase)
Characters: Chase and Henrik
Summary: Above ⬆️
Word Count: 650
This will be posted on Tumblr and AO3 soon, just not right now because school.

Henrik let out a yawn as he woke up to his blaring alarm. He groaned as he looked over and turned it off. He knew he had to get up because he needed to keep his sleep schedule the same but cheating for a day would be fine. Too bad once he's awake, he isn't going back to sleep any time soon.

The doctor sat up, rubbing his eyes as he started to get up and ready for the hopely not very long day of work. He slipped onto his bunny slippers and slowly arose from his bed, casually reaching onto his nightstand and grabbing his glasses in the process. He checked if they were completely clean before putting them on. Now all he needed was his doctor coat and he'll be good to go.

Speaking of which, where was his precious doctor coat? The German may have just glanced around his room, but he didn't seem to spot it in his room. With a groan and a few German curse words, Henrik opened the door to his room and stepped out into the household that contained some fellow strange individuals.

Upon leaving the room, he closed the door and made sure he locked it just in case. He may treat his roommates as friends and family, but he loved his privacy more than them. He looked around to see if anyone was up as of this moment. Only Chase's room had lights on, so it's a signal that the dad may be awake, which is surprising because it's early morning, and the baseball-cap wearing ego normally sleeps past noon.

Henrk double checked to see if anyone else was awake, which there wasn't, so his only option was asking Chase. He quietly walked over to his best friend's door and knocked, awaiting for a reply or a sign to come in. Unfortunately, all he got was a cough and wheezing as a response, making him instantly concerned for his friend's health. "Chase, everything alright? Are you okay," The doctor asked instantly.

There was a groan and the sound of feet shufflin. As soon as the shuffling reached the door, it opened to reveal an ill-looking Chase carrying a few tissues. The dad googly looked and waved slightly before he coughed again. "Hey, Henrik, why are you up at," Chase paused and glanced at the clock in his room, "4:36am?" He looked at the doctor, waiting for an answer.

"Work, are you sick," Henrik answered, quickly addressing his worries about his friend. There was enough proof to answer that question, but Henrik wanted to ask and see if Chase would tell the truth.

"Oh uh.... No?" Confusion was clear and evident in the dad's voice; He was lying, and Henrik knew that almost immedietely. "Just a bit-" Chase was cut off by yet another cough. This was good.

The doctor sighed before gently pushing the dad into his room. As soon as he could, Henrik entered his best friend's room. "I worry about you, mein freund.... Please get some rest," He asked.

Chase opened his mouth to deny but closed it. Slowly, he walked around the slightly messy room to his bed and quickly pulled himself under the covers, taking off his hat and putting it on his nightstand. He glanced at Henrik before looking at the ceiling. "I'm assuming you're going to go and buy some cold medicine? We're out of it, so I had to ask."

"Yes, now please stop worrying and rest, please," The doctor requested before he went to walk out of the dad's room. He stopped when he heard Chase mumble something. "What was that, Chase?"

The dad leaned up slightly, looking at the doctor. "I said I love you," Chase repeated, watching as the doctor blushed and quickly left the room. He chuckled and laid back down, closing his eyes as he fell asleep.

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