Kidnapped (Marvelsepticeye)

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Trigger Warning: Implied Kidnapping; Character Death; Knives; Blood; Bruises; Carving into flesh; Cuts
Pairing(s): Marvelsepticeye (Jackie x Marvin)
Characters: Anti, Jackie, and Marvin
Summary: Above ⬆️
Finished just in time for Jackie's birthday.

Anti pushed Jackie into the basement, the hero's body making it to the bottom with a loud thump. "Aww isn't this just fun, you and me in this dark and desolate place."

The demon began to walk down the stairs. "Just us, away from any doctors, any dads, any puppets, and especially away from any magicians," He grinned with a sick a look in his eyes. "Though, I don't think I'd mind bringing Marvin here and hurting him instead." He chuckled before looking down at the hero.

Jackie coughed up a bit of his own blood, looking up at his kidnapper as he tried get back up. He had enough of this. "Fuck you," He yelled at the glitch. Unfortunate for the hero, his only reply was a kick in the face. The red-and-blue-colored ego groaned before he was rudely lifted to his feet only to be thrown at a wall.

More blood came out of him through his coughs, beginning to lose too much of it. He needed to surrender, even if he didn't want to. He glared at Anti and would of yelled some more but stopped.

"Ah finally! You learned to be quiet like a good dog," The demon joked, which earned a growl from Jackie. "Anyway, I thought about playing a little game with you."

Anti then pressed his foot against Jackie's throat, pulling out his knife. The hero immediately shook his head and tried to say no, but he couldn't due to the foot. "Ah I thought you wouldn't mind," He said with a dark chuckle. He let go of Jackie and pinned him against the floor.

"You know, this be fun- For me, not so much for you." Anti held Jackie still and ripped off part of the hero's shirt sleeve. He slowly plunged the knife into Jackie's arm.

The hero screamed and struggled to escape the glitch's grasp. "Let go of me," He yelled at the top of his lungs. He knew no one would hear him nor be there to help him. Maybe going after the glitch alone wasn't a good idea.

Anti didn't listen as he started to write something into the ego's flesh, not caring how much the hero ego begged for him to stop. Eventually, he finished carving "ANTI" in his arm, blood beginning to spill out of the wound. "Ah there we go. Now people will know I was the one who hurt you," He expressed as he chuckled darkly.

Jackie glanced at the carving and grimaced. He didn't like this, and he certainly didn't want that carved into his arm. He looked at Anti as tried pushing the ego away.

The attempt failed, and his head was slammed against the floor as punishment. He groaned, eyes closing as they held onto every ounce of life. Oh what he could give to go back and ask someone for help.

His thoughts were interrupted when something cut his cheek open, blood beginning to pool out of his cheek. He winced, trying to get free once again. "Please.... Anti, let me go...."

The glitch shook his head, tightly gripping onto the hero's arm. "No. I'm not going until you have a mark for every person you couldn't save," He planned out loud. "And I know that's a long list." He let go of the others' arm, a bruise beginning to form.

Anti was about to stab Jackie with his knife when he heard the sound of a door opening upstairs. "Jackie? Are you here," a voice that only belonged to the magician called out. "I got your text, where are you?"

The demon worse a sinister grin and covered the hero's mouth; He made sure to keep Jackie's lips closed, so he couldn't scream. "Seems our guest is here. Now be quiet, I don't want you to spoil the surprise," He demanded.

After a few minutes of Marvin looking around- which felt like hours to Jackie- the footsteps stopped at the entrance. Slowly, the cat-masked man headed downstairs.

Jackie kept squirming and even tried to bite his kidnapper's hand. All attempts to escape were useless now, and he knew, but he could at least warn his boyfriend.

Marvin's feet reached to middle of the staircase and peaked his head underneath. Upon seeing Anti and Jackie scared up, he went to do a spell. He only made it to the second work when Anti pinned him against the stairs.

Marvin looked at the glitch, fear in eyes as Anti knelt down to him. "Here's how it's going to be, furry boy. Either Deadpool ripoff dies or you stay here and take his place as he goes free," He told the other. "Your choice."

Jackie looked at Marvin and shook his head immediately. "Don't.... Don't trust him!" Anti was a liar and never gives anyone a choice in anything. Jackie may be dumb, but even he knew that.

"Shut up! His decision, not yours! Now, shh," The demon demanded. He stared back at Marvin, who seemed to be scared for not only his safety but Jackie's as well. He wanted them both to get out.

"Jackie.... I chose for Jackie to go, I can stay here for him," Marvin chose. He wasn't letting Jackie die here; Not now, not ever.

Anti slowly got off of Marvin. "Alright.... One thing I need to do really quick," The glitch stated as he grabbed his favored knife. Slowly, he approached Jackie.

Jackie tried to get away, but you can only do so much blood loss. Soon, Anti had him and pulled him to his feet. "Oh you're already dying. No need to stab you now." The glitch dropped him. "I change my mind, get out before I come back." He teleported away, not wanting to kill Jackie now. He had his fun and revenge.

Marvin headed to his boyfriend, crouching and pulling his lover into his lap. "Oh my god, Jackie.... I can fix this, I know healing spells, just hold still," The macian told his boyfriend. He went to say a spell, but Jackie interrupted him.

"No.... Get out of here and.... And warn the others.... They need to know," The superhero told the other. "You don't.... You don't need to waste your magic." He chuckled before coughing. He didn't need saving, even if he was dying. "I love you."

"I-I love you but I...." Marvin shook his head and begin to do the spell again, but it seemed he was too late. The hero gave him final breath, and the magician weeped.


Lol Jackie dead

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