Whumptober (Day Two)- Talking is Overrated

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Trigger Warning: Choking; Strangling; Character Death; Implied kidnapping; Mention of cannibalism; Curse words
Characters: Actor and Bim
Summary: Bim loved talking; It's clear as he does it a lot on his show, but at the same time, does he need to talk 24/7? Actor would like to test that theory.
Word Count: 668

Bim awoke in a rather fancy living room, all of it seemed to be decorated in dark red color. He groaned and tried to move his hands only to find out they were tied behind his back, and it seemed his legs were in the same predicament. "Great.... Fucking great," The gameshow host thought out loud. "I'm stuck in a room with no way to escape," Bim added. He jumped soon after saying that, hearing shuffling from behind him. "W-Who's there?"

Something suddenly pressed up behind the older ego, speaking rather softly into his ear, "Oh, Bim, I thought you would recognize the manor. After all, I brought you here once." That seemed pleasant yet threatening at the same time, and Bim didn't know whether to ask this person for help or be scared.

"Uh.... Who are you? Sorry to be rude, but I don't recognize you," The cannibal stated, fear slightly present in his voice. This person made Bim feel unsettled, like he's planning to do something not good to him.

"How could you, of all people, forget me? Am I not memorable?" The person pulled away and walked right in front of the ego, dawning a dark red suit, black dress pants, a black bowtie tied on his stainless white dress shirt, and he held a black, elegant cane. His brown eyes looked at the one wearing glasses, seeming to burn through his very soul. "Oh and if you somehow forgot what I looked like, darling, I'm-"

Bim finished the sentence for the other, fear definitely present in his voice. "Actor.... Oh my god, I'm going to die," He looked down, feeling the stare of Actor on him. All he could do was hope that by some way, somehow, the others will find him. If not, he surely was going to die here.

Actor seemed to just roll his eyes as he watched the other panic. "You won't.... Not yet anyways." He finally looked away from the ego, more than likely looking for his assortments of weapons to kill Bim with. "I want to test something first, that is all.... Depending on how you react, you might have a chance at living." He then grabbed something that Bim couldn't see. He smirked as he walked back behind the black-suited ego.

Bim began whimpering and attempting to escape where he was sitting, letting out screams and pleas for the manipulative male to let him go. Of course, all he got for an answer was him being yanked up by the neck, forced to stare at the other with fear. Something wrapped around his neck, and it seemed to squeeze. Bim looked down, and he would have let out a scream if his throat wasn't being squeezed by a red-and-black-scaled snake.

"Beautiful, isn't she?.... Her name is Cherry Swirl, and I haven't fed her in about a month," Actor informed the gameshow host of his pet snake. Slowly, he walked around the slowly choking male, watching as his snake strangled his guest. "I wouldn't try and move if I were you. She has venom that can make you hallucinate. While I would love to watch you suffer like that, I have morals, contrary to popular belief."

Bim struggled to say anything, all he could do was wait for his slow and inevitable death. He managed to choke out a few words, but they weren't much. "Fuck.... You." If only he knew not to say those words as the snake squeezed tighter, and Actor's glare burned more into his soul.

"I hope you know to save that air of yours. You got a limited supply of that left," Actor stated as he walked around the room again, watching as Bim breathed less and less. He smiled once Bim's movements slowed, and the cannibal closed his eyes one final time as he stopped breathing all together. "Darn, you didn't live long enough.... Oh well, time to clean up," The red-suited man exclaimed as the snake around Bim's neck slithered away.

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