Birthday Bot

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Trigger Warning: Abuse, mention of death, and strangulation
Characters: Bing and Google
Summary: Bing's b-day but he has trauma from it, and Google is there.
Word Count: 1055
Going off my natural timezone, 05/20/22

Bing simply stared at the small gift in front of him. With a raised eyebrow, the android picked it up and examined it. The wrapping paper was simply black and the ribbon and bow were a bright orange. It had a small, well-written note written on paper, and upon looking at it, the android read, "Happy Birthday, Bing!" It was for him.

The sound of broken limbs filled the air as a scream erupted from Bing's throat. "Please! Stop! No more," The android begged the humans as they poked his now broken arm. "You tested my pain censors enough! End testing for today, please!" He watched as they marked things down, hoping they'd understand. Sadly, his faith was in vain as instead of returning him to his cell, they started to take him elsewhere, regardless of how much he begged to be released.

The android jumped, dropping the gift. Bing wiped away any and all tears that started to gather around his eyes. He was safe; Far and away from those people. They couldn't get him again. As much as the android loved to reflect on the past- That was sarcasm, the android hated to- he needed to at least open the gift and find out who gave it to him.

Bing bent down and picked up the small gift. After making sure no one saw, the android pulled at the ribbon and opened the gift box. Inside was a simple note and a keychain with orange sunglasses and flip flops as a charm on it. The noiret left the keychain in the box and took the note. He opened the paper carefully, reading it to find out the gift was from the Googles, of all people.

Now, Bing's mind went to think of what to do. He could tell them thank you, but the Googles weren't exactly the nicest people to get along with. Oliver was fine, but the others? They hated him. Was this a trap? Or were they actually being nice? The android had no idea. The best choice was to at least thank Oliver and avoid the rest; They were scary.

With that in mind, Bing closed the box and walked around the manor. Of course, he could just scan the place and locate Oliver immediately, but he rather look around first. Maybe the yellow android was away from the others. Plus, if he weren't, there's at least the journey.... To his possible death, but still a journey.

Bing screamed as one of the creators wrapped a hand around his neck. They were testing to see how death felt for the android. It wasn't like he could fight against them. They were stronger and could always replace him if they needed to. He needed to be obedient if he didn't want to be restarted forever, and the noiret wouldn't want that.

The android caught himself from falling down the stairs, his hand gripping the staircase. The memories needed to stop. A birthday bot crying isn't a good image for himself now, is it? Like before, the noiret wiped his tears away and pushed his feelings away. He was safe, he was safe, he was.... Safe?

Bing shook his head and began to walk down the stairs of the manor. Something was wrong, but it could wait. His issues were unimportant. As the android looked around downstairs, he felt eyes on him. Wanting to feel safe, the android scanned. The only person around him was-

"Bing," The quiet and scarily calm voice of Google spoke right behind the android. "How did you like the gift? Oliver picked it out, but we helped him pay for it. He mentioned something about you.... Losing your keys a lot?' While he seemed calming, the android didn't trust it; This could be a trick.

Bing turned his head to look at the fellow android. "Oh Google, thanks, but may I ask how you guys found out about my creation day? Only Dark knows I was-"

The blue-themed male cut him off. "Dark stores their files on their computer, and I hacked it because Oliver wanted me to. I will apologize to them later, but for now, I want to make sure you were okay with your gift," He told the android with once again a scarily calm voice. It was unsettling to Bing. "Besides, creation day is something awesome, honestly."

"It's useless! Broken, even," Bing heard one of his creators yell. "This- It- We need to end this experiment now! It was a pathetic attempt at re-creating the Google AI; We don't have half the things they have! Let's just dismantle it!"

Bing's breath began to quicken. They were going to kill him! What was he going to? He could escape, but even if he did, he didn't have much of anywhere to go. Either option will just end in death, which the noiret didn't have much time to think about. Within seconds, his cell opened, and there they stood, wrench and crowbar in hand.

"It knows! We need to knock it out!"

Before Bing realized it, he was crying and already hugging himself as he cried. They weren't happy tears about having someone accept him; They were tears that held fear and sadness that he was rejected by the ones who created him. Why was he stuck as the failure? Why was he stuck as the mistake? Why was he stuck as the useless machinery?

Google may not know what emotions are, but the android seemed to know it was concerning for someone to cry like that. He gently placed a hand on Bing's shoulder only for the noiret to pull away. "Bing, are you ok-"

The orange-themed android glanced at him, tearing spilling out of eyes. As he tried to speak, Google pulled him into a hug, surprising him. "Wh-"

"I got you, Bing. I knew this was a bad idea, seeing as you are secretive about it," The other noiret told the android. "I'm here for you, know that."

The android wanted to smile, he really did, but why would he? Bing would just be surrendering into the fact he's weaker one, but of course, that's what Google wanted, right? So with a fake smile, the orange-themed android leaned in, accepting his place. Besides, he wouldn't want to be rejected again, would he?

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