Egotober (Day Five) - Water

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Trigger Warning: Mention of kidnapping
Characters: Captain Magnum
Summary: Captain Magnum just looking at the ocean and reflecting on memories.
Word Count: 312
Was supposed to be posted on 05/10/21 but is it posted on 09/07/22 (because I forgor about posting daily + got busy with family stuff)

Blue oceans and the sight of ocean life filled the captain's view as he looked around. A smile slowly formed on Magnum's face as he loved this sight so much, wishing it could see it forever. However, he couldn't, and he knew that. Still, the view was nice, and they had a rather calm ocean to travel on for once, which was a good thing.

Magnum glanced around the ship, looking at the crew; Most were doing work to keep the ship in working-order, others chatting, and the last remaining few were eating due to breakfast being made hours ago. Everything overall was relaxing and peaceful among the crewmates.

The captain then looked at the ocean again, seeming as if something about it drew him in. Honestly, looking at the water source reminded him of his time at home.


"Don't go into the ocean," The captain's mom demanded. "Pirates have been going around, kidnapping young kids like you, Magnum. Be careful, and stay away from the beaches," His mother warned. The poor woman already lost her husband earlier that year, and there was no telling if she could stand losing her son the same year. She couldn't live alone in silence without a person to talk to.

The younger captain nodded and slowly took the money his mom handed him. "I'll go to the market and be right back, I promised," He told his mom. He waited for his mom to dismiss him before leaving the poor woman. Little did he know he was never going to see her again.


The captain shivered, looking away from the water. Maybe it was best not to look back on such memories as those. His mother was kind, and he hoped the best for her, but he's not with her anymore, and Magnum wouldn't be able to go back anyway.

Even if he wanted to.

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