Lesson to be Learned

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Trigger Warning: Knives; Blood; Character tied up with ropes; Character pinned by nails; Gore; Ripping guts out; Character death; Stabbing; Character getting cut opened; Implied Kidnapping
Characters: Anti and Dark
Summary: After coming back to the Dark Ego Mindscape and barging into Dark's office, Dark decides to teach Anti a lesson in knocking.
Do not know if this person has Wattpad and if they do, I do not know what there username is.
Also, the way I write Dark normally is with they/them pronouns.

Anti woke up in a daze. He blinked his sleepiness away and looked around to see he was in a dark, ominous room. He tried to move but found out he couldn't move his his hands nor his arms. In fact, he couldn't move any of his limbs.

The glitch demon looked at where he felt his hands were at and saw something that made him want to scream for help. His hands and elbows were pinned to the wall by nails, blood dripping from the wounds and falling slowly down his arm as if it's goal was to fall on the ground with quietest of splats.

He knew if he tried free them right now, they will make a hole in his hand. He was better off leaving them there until someone got them off for him. Anti didn't like the thought of waiting, but it was the best he could do right now.

He looked at where he felt his legs were at. He sighed in relief when he saw no nails pinning them down. It was just ropes tied to some anchors to the wall.

As the glitch demon tugged on the rope to get his legs free from the wall, the sounds of a door opening in the dark could be heard and echoed off the walls. That immediately got Anti to freeze. "Hello? Is anyone there," He called out, his voice quavering with clearly fear. He didn't know how he got here, and that person could why he is.

Out from the shadows stepped out the one and only Dark. They wore their black suit instead of their favored white suit for some reason. "Hello, Anti," They greeted, their voice surprisingly calm despite the situation the other was in. That didn't mean anything good for Anti.

Anti looked at the 3D person. "Could you help me get out? I don't like being trapped like this." He let a desperate whine afterwards to show how uncomfortable he was by this situation.

The person in a suit smiled and then shook their head. "I'm afraid I can not. After all, I put you there. Why would I let you go?"

Anti gulped. He was afraid of this. What was Dark planning? "Dark, please! Whatever prank or whatnot you're playing, let me go!" He didn't like how this going. He wanted to free and possibly running around as he causes chaos.

Dark shook their head with a bit of annoyance. "I'm playing nothing. Just teaching you a lesson," They stated as they walked back into the darkness of the room. "You like knives, right?"

Anti was confused by Dark's words, along with the fact the other asked that question. He was about to ask when Dark came out of the shadows with knives.

"One of these is yours by the way. I thought it would be fitting to hurt you with your own weapon," Dark told Anti as they sat the knives down. "Hmm.... Probably should use your knife last and start with the shortest one," They pondered as they stood with a small switchblade in hand.

Slowly, they approached Anti and held the demon by his chin. "A cut along the cheek would look good on you, you know?"

Anti immediately tried to move away and even tried biting Dark's hand. All were in vain as in the end, Dark got a cut on him. He yelped and squirmed, trying to get 3D demon away from, blood beginning to drip from his right cheek, just like hands and elbows were. The blood moved faster however and only made it to black shirt, not traveling any further.

Dark just chuckled. "That wasn't so hard now, was it?" They pulled away and grabbed another knife, this one being a pocket knife.

They glanced at Anti as they thought where to hurt him next. "Your legs seem to not be injured yet. Let's hurt those now," They pointed out.

Anti tried to get his legs free once again, not caring if he could get only one leg free. As long as he didn't get hurt, he would be fine with that.

Dark just watched Anti struggle and laughed. "How funny. They came close to the glitch demon with the knife and casually held his legs down. Upon doing this, they carefully stabbed into Anti's left thigh and dragged the knife downwards.

Anti screamed at the top of his lungs and begged Dark to stop as blood pooled out of the wound, staining the seams of his jeans red. The blood stared to move down towards his knees as it stopped. It didn't make it to the ground, but it seemed to attempt to.

Dark smiled in satisfaction. Their work was going great. Well, for them at least, not so much for Anti. "Hm.... I think I should just skip right to your knife and finish this early. Wilford and the other egos have a meeting with me. I don't wish to be late," They stated.

Anti looked at Dark and immediately nodded. He didn't know what that truly meant, but he assumed it would mean he would be let go and never have to see Dark again.

"Of course you would want that," Dark stated with a smirk. They put away the switch blade and picked up Anti's knife. They glanced at Anti and smiled before coming close to him.

Slowly, Dark lifted up Anti's shirt. Anti looked confused for a moment. What was the 3D demon doing? His scream for help was suddenly caught in his throat, and he struggled to get away from Dark again.

Dark just laughed and inserted the knife in Anti's stomach, making the other demon scream in pain and agony. They carefully cut a line and pulled the knife out.

Blood poured out of the cut and stained his jeans with more of a red color. Faster then the other times blood spilled out of him, it flooded and spilled onto the floor. It was like a waterfall of blood was coming out of Anti.

Despite the blood spillage, Dark wasn't done. They reached inside of the cut started pulling some of his organs out, specifically non-vital ones like his colon and appendix.

As soon as Dark was done and Anti was running low on blood, Dark looked at the glitch. "Maybe this will teach you not to come in office without knocking. If you live that is." Swiftly and quietly, Dark left, leaving the dead body of another demon behind.

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