Whumptober (Day Five) - I've Got Red in my Ledger

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Trigger Warning: Character death and knife
Characters: Yancy and Actor
Summary: Yancy didn't want to escape, so he made a deal with Actor to stay in prison if he did whatever Actor asked when he needed him. Yancy's end of the deal didn't bother him until he was taken to the manor in the middle of the night.
Word Count: 714
Was supposed to be posted on 05/10/21 but is it posted on 09/07/22 (because I forgor about posting daily + got busy with family stuff).

Yancy awoke to a dark hardwood floor instead of the comfort of his beloved prison bed. He yawned before glancing around this unfamiliar room. He couldn't help but think that he was being watched, and he didn't know if it was because there were cameras in the prison or paranoia. Too bad he didn't find anything that gave him the slightest of ideas that he was, which earned an frustrated sigh from him.

Slowly, the prisoner stood up. Maybe he should look for a door or something to get him out of there because he certainly wasn't leaving the jail for freedom. He searched the room for a way to escape; Even finding something that would cause damage would be fine for Yancy. Upon finding nothing useful once more, he groaned. "Where am I?"

"My manor, of course," A male disembodied voice answered, causing Yancy to panic. "Do you not remember it? After an encounter with.... Our "friend", you met with me, and I brought you here to discuss terms on a deal." His voice was rather.... Mischievous, and the prisoner felt scared.

The prisoner quickly looked around, trying to find the source of this voice. "Who are youse? Where are youse," Yancy asked, panic rising with each second he was stuck with some guy he didn't know, or at least he didn't from what he could recall. As soon as he asked those questions, a cold hand touched his shoulder, making him jump.

"I am your friend, do you not remember," The disembodied voice asked him, now behind him. "I'm saddened that you don't remember me, I am your friend after all." Whatever body it used to grab him let go, and that caused Yancy to turn around, seeing a man in a red-suit. Almost instantly, the idea of who the man was clicked.

"Actor, nice to see youse again," The prisoner choked out with a bit of strain and fear present in his voice. "I didn't know youse called me here, can I ask why?" Yancy backed away slightly, fear in his eyes. He let out a nervous laugh, trying to ease his stress over this situation.

"Oh you know, I need you to do your end of the deal.... You do remember it, right?" Actor stared at the male, and his eyes seemed to go right through Yancy, seeing every ounce of life the prisoner had left. "But, of course, if you don't remember, I can help remind you of it." A glint of evil was present in his kidnapper's eyes, and that made Yancy flinch. The prisoner knew better than to trust him now.

The prisoner hesitantly nodded, looking at the other with fear clear in his eyes. "I know, I s-said if youse would keep in the prison, I'll do whatever youse ask me too whenever," Yancy recalled as he gulped. This felt like an.... Odd situation, and it was a situation that he wasn't going to escape from.

The red-themed ego nodded. "Great, my partner. I need to do something with you," He told the other as he slowly pulled a knife from his pocket. "I'm sorry, but I need to send a message to Dark." Actor smirked; A clear and obvious sign he wasn't sorry about what he's going to do.

Yancy's eyes widened as he started to run, hoping maybe then an exit would just appear. Too bad a simple tug on the arm prevented him from finding out. "Actor! Please," Yancy screamed as he was forced to look at the one who once protected him.

"There's nothing else I can do; You must understand," Actor told the human before he pressed the blade to Yancy's neck. "For what it's worth, you'll help me with a plan." Without anything else being said, the red-suited ego cut open the prisoner's neck. Blood flowed out of the cut as Yancy's eyes became completely drained of life.

The only alive male let out a sigh as he laid Yancy's body down. He noticed one of his sleeves became stained with blood and rolled his eyes. "Try not to bleed on my sleeves next time, thank you," Actor stated. It was like to him, Yancy was still alive when he was, in fact, very dead.

Then again, did Actor care?

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